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Cameron Dawson

I sneak a glance at Harley beside me who silently, but contently, watches the dark world whirl by. My one hand is wrapped around the steering wheel while the other rests on the gearstick where I can feel the warmth of her leg radiating on it.

I think back to tonight and how amazing it turned out. In the beginning, Harley was a little despondent since she was taking a while to catch on however, she eventually did and from there on it was a ball. She isn't half bad at dancing and I loved teaching her something I used to do in the streets back in Colombia. There is no doubt that she still has a lot to learn when it comes to the dancing but the fact that she enjoyed it and even attempted it was what made her good at it. The Paso Doble requires anger and passion to fuel the dance- like a bull going after the red cape- and I definitely felt the electricity between Harley and I.

However, besides the success of our dancing, I'm so fucking happy that I can officially call her my novia.

A smile slips onto my face.

I like that title.

When we stop in front of her front door, she turns to face me with a wide grin on her face.

Harley is definitely breathtaking and I'm so lucky that I'm with her.

"Thank you for an amazing date. I loved every second of it." She says, her voice sincere and I feel slightly relieved. It would've being a bummer if she didn't like it.

"Thank you for coming." I respond and she laughs lightly, rolling her eyes.

"You didn't really give me much of an option,"

I chuckle with her before sobering up and watching her intently as her innocent eyes stare up at me. I lean forward and place a kiss on her cheek.

"Buenas noches preciosa." I say and pull back.

"Good night Cameron."

I turn on my heel and walk back down the hallway and into the elevator, my last view of her being the way she opens her front door with a small smile playing on her lips. I exit her building and back into the now slightly chilly breeze of Oregon before climbing back into my car and heading home.

I glance at my watch when I arrive home and see that it reads one thirty in the morning before I fish my keys out and unlock my door. I shake my head to myself as I walk into the room, thinking about how time flies when I'm with Harley, when I freeze.

I breath the air in again before noticing an unfamiliar cologne in the air. The air smells minty- something unusual.

Someone was here. And may still be.

I feel my guard build up, preparing myself for the worst in case I need to attack as I casually place my car keys on the counter. I round the kitchen island and feel for the familiar smooth object in the one corner under the table before unhooking it and bringing it up to my face with my arm outstretched.

The feeling of the gun is familiar, but makes a shiver run down my spine nonetheless. I don't want to use this deadly tool but if I have to in order to protect myself, then so be it. I know how to use it effectively, considering I had one on me at all times since I was young, so I know I'm safer than I was before. The truth is; the gun isn't what's dangerous, it's who is behind it that is because they're the one who pulls the trigger.

I quietly walk around the apartment, my gun up so that I'm ready to shoot if needed and I check all the rooms. When I'm certain that nobody is in my house, I lower my gun with a sigh. I check my sliding door before observing the kitchen door. Neither of them are damaged, proving that the criminal knew how to get in quietly and carefully.

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