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Harley Anderson

It was too much for my brain to absorb, to much to comprehend.

I can feel the exhaustion in my bones from being in a coma and having various injuries. My left arm that's secured in a cast is stiff and uncomfortable and the bandage over my head is itchy and annoying.

I just want to go home.

But I suppose a hospital is safer than the apartment at this point, given that the man who stalked me, burnt me, kidnapped me and put me in an accident, is actually someone I deemed trustworthy.

I can't believe that Frank is the one who is doing it. He was smart about it because none of us ever thought it would be him considering that he was the one who helped keep Danté out of prison in the first place.

I think of Frank's contagious smile and blue eyes, wondering how I couldn't see past his facadé. I remember the comment he made the first day I met him at the park. He said his job was sad because some people don't get justice. Little did I know he was talking about his brother. It's no wonder he spoke to me so much, asked so many questions.

He needed to know what was going in my life.

But then... then he cuts my breaks and I decide to go racing by myself. The one day I decide to go race by myself I crash into a tree. And put myself in a coma that has undeniably torn my mother and Danté down, given the fact that they both look exhausted and as if they should be in hospital themselves.

Danté doesn't know that I know either.

I heard him. Vaguely. But still, I heard him.

I heard him him apologize... I heard him tell me he loves me.

He sounded so worn down and guilty when he cried.

I'm so sorry I've dragged you into this mess. He had said. I wanted to reach out to him and tell him he didn't need to feel bad, that I would rather be with him then anyone else. Please wake up. I... I can't do this without you. I need you Harley. I love you were his next words.

Love is still a strange concept to me. My mother said she loved me and she ran away from home, my brother said he loved me and he abandoned me. Love was not supposed to be betrayal and heartache but that's all I felt from those who loved me.

But if love is feeling alive every time you see someone, if it's wanting to hold them close to you and never stop kissing them, if it's feeling complete admiration for someone even at their lowest, if it's wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone and go through everything life has to offer with them right by your side, then yes, I love Danté. I love him more than anything.

I hear my door open and I look to see Danté himself standing in front of the door with a bouquet of red roses. I smile at the sight of him but don't miss the exhaustion on his face. His hair is sticking up in every which direction and the blue bags under his eyes are darker than the bruises on my arms. But not only is it that but rather the way he carries himself. Danté has a naturally confident and intimidating stride with an unnerving way of carrying himself however, he is not like that now. Now he walks lazily, tiredly, and his shoulders are slumped in defeat.

"Olá almado." He greets me, stepping forward and pecking my cheek. I revel in the feeling.

"Hey." I respond before glancing at the roses. "Who're the flowers for? Someone in the hospital got your eye?" I try to make light of the conversation. His lips quirk up into a tiny smile.

"I'll place them in water." He says, standing up to place them in a jug that's being left behind. I chuckle.

"Thank you Danté. They're beautiful." I comment and he nods, taking a seat beside me. We both stare at each other, his russet brown eyes making me lose myself for a second. We both have so much to say.

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