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[I dedicate this chapter to @hanan112110 for commenting in the previous chapters. Enjoy, minna!]


"I've been expecting your arrival.."

"Tell me where that trash is, scum.." Xanxus demanded, his guns ready to blast anytime. "I'll kill that trash for all I want! Where is that trash?!"

"Yikes, don't be so mad, Xanxus-kun.. Tsunayoshi-kun is in a vacation."

Xanxus narrowed his crimson eyes, brows furrowed in disbelief. "He's got some nerve going out for a vacation after what he did?!"

And then, Xanxus snapped, shooting his flames out the window, venting off. The poor window, as well as the wall right next to it, blasted to ash.

Kawahira shook his head in amusement. 'Maa, Tsunayoshi-kun.. You better be ready for your piled-up paperwork when you come back..'

"I'll ask only once more, scum.." Xanxus snapped his attention back at Kawahira, raging and murderous. "Where is that trash?"

"Would you like me to take you to him?"

"I demand that you do, scum." He growled.

"Then, enjoy your own vacation, Xanxus-kun!"

Kawahira lowered down his cup of tea and snapped his fingers, practically opening a portal of night flames from under the Varia Boss's feet.


"Xanxus-kun, please stop." Kawahira pleads. "You wanted to know where Tsunayoshi-kun is, right?"

Xanxus just glared at him, done with his pointless shooting at him with his Wrath Flames when it didn't leave even a scratch.

"What did you do to me, scum?!"

"I'm taking you to Tsunayoshi-kun! Well, to give you an exact answer, you're going to a different world, that's where he and the other Guardians and Reborn-kun are."

Another set of Wrath Flames firing and the other person's dodging for a few minutes before Xanxus growled and set his guns back to his sides.

The ravenet did nothing but glare, letting the scum in front of him talk.

"In that world, you will be in Namimori, Japan, and a first-year student of Namimori High School, your class is 1-D."

"Also, you will be Kasanoda Xanxus, the next heir of the Kasanoda-gumi, the most powerful Yakuza Clan in the district."

This seemed to perk up Xanxus' attention.

"What else..? Hmm.." Kawahira muttered to himself. "You were under suspension for a month because of fighting, although it was outside of school grounds, but your teachers and the principal decided to do so because it was your second time. Your suspension lifts tomorrow and you have to go to school."

"That world doesn't have flames, but you can still use your weapons. You will be there for a year.. eleven months rather, but it will pass as just an hour in the original world."

"Ah, also, your guardians had counterparts in that world. It means they are also existing in that world, with their own personalities and identities, yet different from the original ones that you know from our world. You are the first to know of such possibility, Xanxus-kun. Even Tsunayoshi-kun didn't know yet."

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