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[A/N: I missed you guys! This chapter is actually requested by @TurningPage42. The reason why I made extra chapters is because they should show possible scenarios of Fujioka Tsunayoshi and one of her Guardians in a parallel world, that's why I never thought of making a chapter with her and Chrome. But since a precious reader asked for it, I'm more than happy to oblige. I just hope it reaches your satisfaction. Enjoy~]

After a stressful week of examinations, most of the students were dead beat.

Tsuna lifelessly walked down the school hallways. She didn't even register Chrome calling her name until she tapped her shoulder.


"Ah.. Gomen nasai.. Did I startle you? Are you alright? I was calling you several times.."

"Oh.. Sorry.. I'm fine. Just tired with all those exams."

A bright idea pops in Chrome's mind. "Th-then.. How about you coming for a sleepover at my place..?"

"Hmm? Sleepover?" Tsuna perks up at the offer.

"Hai! I always wanted to have a girls' night out with you!" no one can resist the purplenette with that sparkling eye and bright enthusiasm.

"O-okay! If it's alright with you and your family, I would love to come over. I'll ask permission right when I get home."



Chrome opened the front door excitedly and practically pulled Tsuna in, almost sending the brunet flying.

"Ch-chotto, Chrome-chan.. Calm down.." Tsuna chuckled.

"G-gomen.. I was just excited.."

"So? What do you want to do?"

"Uhm.." Chrome twisted the hem of her black dress with her fingers. "I searched the internet for stuff girls usually do in sleepovers.. And I wrote them all down.."

She took out a folded paper from her dress's pocket and gave it to Tsuna.

The brunet's eyes widened as the paper was about a ruler's length, filled with a checklist of all the things Chrome had planned for them to do.

"Well.. Uhm.. Wow.. Hahaha.. This itinerary is very detailed.." she mused as she saw that there were even time alloted for each plan.

The purplenette blushed in slight embarrassment.

"Well, if it's this long, we better start right away!" the brunet ruffled her purple locks with a bright smile.


"Movie marathon.. Check.." Tsuna put a check on the corresponding box. They had already braided each other's hair as they talked about random things, painted each other's nails, had a mini fashion show, played silly games, ate midgnight snacks and had a movie marathon. And they weren't even halfway through the list.

Tsuna patted the queen sized bed with her newly painted nails, a face mask on, wearing a matching nightgown with Chrome's.

"Come, Chrome-chan.. Let's sleep. Your eyes are already drooping and you've been yawning for the past few minutes."

"But we aren't even halfway done.." Chrome sulked.

"We can just continue the activities on the list tomorrow. And we can set another sleepover so we can do this more often!"

The purplenette immediately brightened up. She crawled to the bed beside the brunet and laid down.

"Neh.. Tsuna..san.. Uhm.. Thank you, for spending your time here with me."

"It's my pleasure. I should be the one thanking you, actually. Thanks for inviting me over, Chrome-chan. I enjoyed being with you."

"That' hear.." was Chrome's last mutterings before she fell asleep, completely exhausted.

Tsuna chuckled as she put the blanket around them and closed her eyes.

"Oyasumi, Chrome-chan.."



A/N: Like the other extra chapters, it's short. But i hope you liked it~ I truly miss all of you.. Stay well, minna-sama~
Love you~

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