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The oak doors of the Music Room III gently opened.

Ladies and gentlemen in fancy dresses and suits were having small conversations, exchanging greetings, and laughing with hushed tones.

A hired orchestra played classical music in the background. The lights were slightly dimmed, but enough for everyone to recognize each other.

Hired butlers and maids served pineapple juice and non-alcoholic punch to some guests. A buffet table sat on the far left side, filled with delicacies from five-class restaurants.

Everyone was excited with the event. It was the Awards Night of the Vongola Host Club Awards.


Tsuna fixed the cuffs on his white suit. He then placed a red rose on his breast pocket, along with a white handkerchief. The theme of the Hosts for this event is all white.

He heaved a deep breath and smiled back to the mirror.

"Bossu?" Chrome stood at the door. She was wearing a flowing indigo dress, her hair styled in a messy bun, but a few strands of her bangs slightly hid her eyepatch.

"Wow, Chrome-chan.. you look so beautiful!" Tsuna complimented her. Well, he wasn't lying in any way.

"Th-thank you, Bossu." Chrome shyly mumbled, cheeks heating up at her beloved bossu's kind words. "Are you done, bossu?"

"Yeah. My tie's crooked, though.. How about the others?"

Chrome took the liberty to help him tie it up. "They're probably getting ready."

"Ah. Thanks."


Reborn finished fixing his hair and his curly sideburns. He carefully placed his signature fedora atop his head and smirked in front of the mirror.

Three weeks had passed since the School Festival. Preliminary Tests had ended last Friday, with Tsuna, Reborn, and Mukuro excelling at the top in their respective years.

They've been at this world for more than two months.

The only entertainment Reborn had in the past few weeks was that he started training Tsuna once more with self-defense.

With the past incident of being detained in the gym, Tsuna relented with their decision to not let him wander around without at least two Guardians by his side, which wasn't too hard because he had Hayato and Ryohei as classmates already.

Reborn also had the privilege to torture Tsuna during his reviewing for the tests. He had fun shooting Tsuna while he was memorizing the symbols and atomic numbers of each element in the Periodic Table.

To top it all, his Guardians decided to join the fun study session, with Kyoya and Mukuro maiming both at each other and at the Decimo. Tsuna did his best to dodge each attack. But of course, he had some backup, only, his backup made it worse.

Hayato took the liberty to protect his precious Jyuudaime, lighting off his dynamites. Takeshi joined the fun, throwing the dynamites that came his way. Ryohei tried to hold Kyoya and Mukuro back, unfortunately to no avail. Lambo, on the other hand, steered clear of them as much as he could. Chrome, as the sanest Guardian in Tsuna's opinion, however, only sat in one corner as she reviewed silently.

Since the Prelims are done, the Host Club decided to host a party for the students to unwind. Eventually, things happened and a poll of the 'WHO IS THE BEST HOST FOR YOU?' started, and the very first HOST CLUB AWARDS came to life.

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