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[I dedicate this chapter to @lynx86, @JoshamaeCosencino, @LinkHeroOfLight, @UniversalOtaku, and @AkaneShiro for commenting in the previous chapters. Enjoy!]


Now that the dreaded Amazing Race is done, Tsuna cowered as he sat on the bed of the Nurse's Office.

He flinched, as he raised his head slightly and met seven deadly glares.

"I.. I'm sorry.. minna.." he mumbled for the nth time.

The school nurse sat on a chair in front of him as she checked and cleaned his scratch wounds.

The said seven glares softened a bit when he winced at the touch of the alcohol-drenched cotton ball on the gash on his right arm.

"I'm fine.. it's not a big deal, really. They're just small wounds, compared to before." The brunet reminded them knowingly, pertaining to the battles they have faced in their own world, where he came back with a few broken bones, beaten to a pulp, bruised all over, or with a bullet wound, which only happened about once or twice, really, since the Guardians quadrupled security after that accident.

"I've decided, Dame-Tsuna.." Reborn started in a strict tone when the nurse had gone out. "You'll undergo training once again. You need it, and you know you do."

Tsuna sighed. "Does it even matter if I'm against that notion?"

"No. I told you, I've already decided."

"Jyuudaime, please consider your situation.. Since we are in a different world, as it is hard for me to say, us Guardians may not always be by your side to protect you.." Hayato reasoned out with a dejected tone.

Tsuna felt pride for his Storm. Hayato sure did mature in the past few years.

"I understand.." Tsuna finally relented. But in truth, the Decimo wasn't doing this to protect himself. Much more than that, like his resolve in his real world, he decided to become strong to protect the ones dear to him. Especially this Family.


"Eto.. Bel-san, is Xanxus home?" Tsuna asked the Varia Storm as he stood at the Kasanoda-gumi Mansion's front door.

"Ushishi.. A kitten looking for the liger? You have a death wish, don't you?"

'How come I'm a kitten?!?! Ugh, nevermind..'

Belphegor opened the door to let the brunet enter. The Decimo had been a constant presence in the Mansion every weekends, so the people here had been comfortable enough with him around.

Although, Bel was wondering why the little peasant would enter the gates of hell by his own will. Maa, not like he cares anyhow..

"Ah, Bunny-senpai.. did Friday come early? As far as I remember, it was Friday four days ago.." Fran said, still in monotones, as Tsuna came in to the living room.

'From a kitten, I'm turned to a bunny.. seriously?!'

"Fran.. No, it's not Friday, but I'm looking for Xanxus.."

"Ah, Boss is in his room. Shark-captain is with him."

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound echoed through the whole Mansion, alerting the brunet, but the others shrugged it off.

"What's that? Is Xanxus okay?"

"Ushishi.. the kitten is worried.. Well, there's no need. Boss is just in a bad mood, that's all."

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