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To our beloved

ladies and gentlemen

of Namimori High,

You are cordially invited

To a Graduation Ball

Prepared by Yours Truly,

~~*The Vongola Host Club*~~

Central Salon Main Hall
XXth of March, 20XX


Tsuna glanced at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with an orange undershirt, and matching black slacks. He was buttoning the cuffs when Chrome entered.

"Bossu.. Need help with your tie?" she smiled warmly.

"Ah.. Yeah.. Arigato, Chrome-chan.."

She walked up to him to fix his crooked tie. "Bossu.. You look dashing tonight." she complimented him.

"You look beautiful too, Chrome-chan!" he said. She was wearing a black and indigo patterned dress. Her hair was also styled to show her flower patterned eyepatch.

"Arigato, Bossu. Saa, are you ready?"

Tsuna took a deep breath and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be.."


The third years' Graduation Ceremony was grandiose, yet solemn. As expected of Nami High.

As the evening came, most of the school's population were chatting to themselves in the Main Hall excitedly, waiting for the Graduation Ball to formally start.

And when the lights were dimmed, and eight spotlights were focused on eight silhouettes, they cheered.

"Konbanwa, minna!" Lambo started with a cheerful tone, making the crowd cheer louder.


"Chaos.. Welcome to Namimori High's Graduation Ball!" Reborn said with a smirk.

"Kyaah! Reborn-sama~!"

"Maa, first of all, we would like to greet all third-year graduates! Congratulations on our Graduation!" the fellow third year Takeshi grinned, slinging his arm around Lambo, and a silent but cooperating Mukuro, who, as much as he would've wanted to slap the arm away, didn't..

"Omedatto, senpaiiii~!"

"Hn.." Kyoya muttered on the side. He was stoic on the outside, but inside.. He was stifling his laughs at how Mukuro seems conflicted with his position. He would have teased him to irritation if not for Tsuna who was emitting such wide smile that it was scary.

"Silent Prince Kyoya-samaaaaa~"

"What the Skylark over there meant was, Let's all have some fun. Kufufu~" Mukuro forced in a somewhat awkward tone but the crowd still cheered.

"Che.. Later on, we have an special event.."

"..Look forward to it to the EXTREME!!!" the twin silverets said, making the crowd a bit curious.

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