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[I dedicate this chapter to @Cana_spade, @EatYourCake33, @ANI-POP, @MajkaBielawa for commenting in the previous chapters. Enioy!]


"P-please.. D-don't look at me.. It's.. weird.." Tsuna fidgets in place, blushing like a tomato at the Hosts' stares, stuttering in a shy voice, flowers visibly blooming behind him.

Blood gushed out from the ladies watching the screens as they showed Tsuna in a Maid uniform.


The Committee Members and the Faculty had difficulty controlling the crowd.


The Hosts, however, were different. Some were blushing, some were smirking, some were undecided what face to make, some were poker-faced, and one was laughing like a maniac.

"Kufufu.. I heard from the Committee that for all fifty bags, they only put one dress. I guess you were really destined to wear it, don't you think?"

"Sh-shut it, Mukuro..senpai.. Mou! Let's just finish this race!" Tsuna exclaimed and, face still flushed, ran with the Hosts.

But the American Football Club have also started running, sprinting not too far behind.

"Tch. You brat.." a third year sneered and sped up to catch up with Tsuna. Tsuna's basically slower than the others, the only person without a dangerous description from the first year's intel. He should be easy to handle!

"I'll eliminate your team one by one, starting with you!" He grinned like a madman as he quickly slid down to trip the brunet.

Tsuna noticed the guy's presence too late to react.

But he suddenly felt a strange feeling, being a bit dizzy and seeing the world spin, and feeling a bit weightless as his feet left the ground. He shrieked in surprise.

Apparently, someone just carried him up to avoid being tripped by the guy from the other team.

Apart from carrying the brunet out of danger, someone also landed a heavy blow on the third year, causing him to skid a few feet.

"Oya, oya.. what have we here..? Someone trying to injure my future vessel? Not gonna happen on my watch.."

"Hn.. Herbivore, have your senses grown dull?"

The third year looked up to find Tsuna in the arms of none other than Nekozawa Mukuro, with Ootori Kyoya by their side, tonfas in hands.

The ladies watching screamed once again to see the newest part-time host Black Prince Mukuro carrying Tsuna like a princess and the Cold Prince Kyoya as kights in shining costumes.

"N-no, Kyoya-senpai.. I was just.. distracted.." Tsuna muttered as the Mist set him back down.

"Kufufu.. I knew something like this would happen.."

"Ootori and Nekozawa.. I thought you two were on bad terms.." the third year mumbled. But he was heard by the three Hosts.

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