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[A/N: Thank you to all the readers who commented in the last chapter! Haha. I had fun reading ALL of it. Enjoy!]


Tsuna was sleeping on a queen-sized soft bed, inside a well-conditioned, spacious room of the hospital-like nurse's office, when Reborn, Hayato, Takeshi, Ryohei and Lambo arrived.

Chrome explained the situation, and the men understood.. at least, they did, while blushing beet red, except for Reborn who held a stoic face.

Not one joked nor laughed at the Decimo's situation. This is serious, after all. Their Sky is suffering from the death of egg cells..

"What can we do?" Lambo asked.

"F-for now, let him rest. He needs it."

"Is he going to be fine?" The hitman asked with a serious face.

"H-hai. Menstrual cramps gradually subsides, with medication and rest. It's not a very serious condition, although I know that it really hurts a lot. Bossu will be fine."

The group looked at their Sky, lying on the bed in a fetal position, clutching his abdomen, brows scrunched up, face contorted in pain.

Two figures lurked in the shadows, listening to the conversation before leaving.

"Ah, what did you tell the nurses?" Takeshi remembered Tsuna's secret and asked.

"S-stomach ache, although I think they already know about Bossu's condition being a girl. They have his medical files here after all."

The others nodded.

"Shall we tell Ryouji-san?" She asked them.

"I'll take care of that." Reborn muttered and took out his phone, stepping outside to make a call to Tsuna's father.

But before he could fully exit, he paused and placed a hand on her head. "Great job, kid.."

The Mist had tears in her eyes and nodded. "H-hai~!"

The Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning and Mist seated themselves on the couches inside the luxurious room.

"Chrome.." Hayato called and the purplenette, with eyes still glistening with happy tears, perked up. "Thank you.. for helping Jyuudaime in this situation." He said sincerely.

"That's right, Chrome. Thank you. Neither any of us could've helped him this time if he were left alone to us." Ryohei agreed, not using his usual loud voice and extreme catchphrase, but smiled as brightly as ever.

"Chrome-nee is amazing!" Lambo hugs her close.

Takeshi patted her head and smiled. "Maa, of course she's amazing!"

Chrome shyly smiled back.

"I-I was doing it for Bossu. He always helped me, he's kind, and he trusted me. I wanted to give back his kindness. I want to be of help to Bossu too.

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