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[I dedicate this chapter to @Joseun-kun, @Usura21Reader, and @Bunnygod99 for commenting in the previous chapters. Enjoy!]


The second day of the School Fest ended well with successful high sales with both the Class 1-A's Horror Booth and the Host Club, so Tsuna was just about ecstatic. He was even skipping on the hallways, on his way home.

But as he skipped about, he noticed something lying on the ground.

He halted before it and picked it up. It was a strange thing.. some sort of.. plushie..?

He looked around, but the hallway was deserted. It was already 6:00 pm anyway. Most students had already gone home.

"Someone must've dropped this.." he muttered and took a long look at the object in his hand.

Something about it.. seems suspicious..

The brunet felt a sudden heavy feeling, seeing the world spin, and his vision turned black..


Tsuna's eyes opened slowly, fluttering as the sudden light hurt his eyes.

His vision adjusted and he could make out the figures of ravenets, two silverets, and two pineapple-heads.

"Tsuna-chan! You're awake!" Lambo exclaimed when he noticed that the Decimo's eyes had finally opened, running to the bed.

"Jyuudaime/Tsuna!" The Storm and the Rain also rushed to his side. The rest of the Guardians let out a sigh of relief.

Reborn just received a call that Tsuna was found lying unconscious on the floor. That must've been the worst news Takeshi heard in a while. Hayato was naturally a worrywart when it came to Tsuna, but that news almost gave him a heart attack. Lambo immediately ran to Namimori General Hospital after hearing about it. Ryohei was the first to arrive at the hospital though. Even Mukuro was there, what with Chrome demanding to see her boss's condition. Kyoya was also forced to come, although he didn't protest much anyway.

Hearing news like that, of someone collapsing, especially the Sky, had been traumatizing.

So when Tsuna finally awoke, their worries had been lifted.

"Tsuna-chan.. are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Do you need anything?" Lambo asked, supporting Tsuna as he tried to sit up.

Tsuna raised a hand on his chest, a slight tint of pink evident on his cheeks, and he looked up with glossy, big, round, doe eyes, answering in a soft, stuttering voice. "H-hai.. Lambo-s-senpai.. Daijoubu desu.."


Lambo slapped himself, literally, as he processed what he just thought. 

The rest of the Guardians had the same expression: disbelief.

"Ts-Tsuna.. are you really okay? You're kinda off today.." Takeshi mumbled as he was still kind of shocked with what his bestfriend just did.

"T-Takeshi-senpai.. D-does that mean.. I'm.. wierd..?" Tsuna's eyes suddenly watered, and tears glistened down his cheeks, lips a bit puckered in a soft pout.

Hayato whacked Takeshi's head. "Baka! Don't say that! Girls don't like being called weird!"

"Yeah, Takeshi.. They don't." Ryohei agrees beside him.

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