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[I dedicate this chapter to @AfysMizuki57, @Himura_dono, @SleepyNightmare, @MirthalaElizabethCan, @Cielo-Sinclair1427, @MissPie01, @mrjokey23, @NightScorpion, and @septiplier614 for commenting in the previous chapters. Enjoy!]


"Jyuudaime, you can do it!"

"Go, Tsuna! Go Tsuna!"

"Fight to the EXTREME, Tsuna!"

"Let's go, Tsuna-chan, let's go!"

The Decimo's cheering squad made up of his loyal friends gathered on the field, cheering for the exhausted and half-dead brunet as he crawled to the finish line. Literally crawled to the finish line.

It was a bright Saturday morning. Tsuna, who was peacefully sleeping and dreaming of flying robots and smiling lions, was dragged out of La La Land by a certain spawn of chaos, by his feet, mind you, to the school's field, to run at least ten laps as a warm-up.

"Re..born.. I.. can't.. do this.. anymore.." Tsuna panted.

"That's only your warm-up, Tsuna. You know the drills.."

Yes, the Decimo was fully trained by the World's Greatest Hitman for ten years, polishing him to be the best Mafia Boss the Vongola could ever have, perhaps even being on par with the Vongola Primo himself.

But this world's Tsuna, so to say, had a physically inactive physique, that she was much slower in running than his average even back before Reborn came into his life.

Tsuna collapsed on the grass. Dark shadows loomed over him.

"You okay, Tsuna?" Takeshi asked.

"Wa..ter.." Tsuna begged with a hoarse voice that Hayato dashed over to their bags to take three bottles of water and a towel.

Ryohei and Lambo helped the Sky to sit as he gulped precious water.

Reborn approached them with a timer in his hand. "Looks like we have a lot to do, Tsuna. But I'll take consideration with your condition. I can lessen your punishments everytime you're a second slower than average to just the half of it."

Tsuna cried internally. 'You have to be Reborn to define 'consideration' as something to lessen a punishment by half instead of just lessening the actual training program..'


Two full weeks had passed.

A dead brunet stared off to space in his seat in class.

He was utterly exhausted, what with the fourteen deadly days of constant running away from bullets.

Not just from the race, though. He's also busy with their class's planned event for the fest, as well as the Host Club's.

The other hosts were busy as well, yet Reborn could still find time to torture Tsuna with training.

His loyal friends also join him in running, and Tsuna found it comforting that they were running beside him, along with him.

Although, they were all so physically active that they were even slowing down just for the brunet to catch up.

He had improvements, that's the good part. His legs had been so used to running in the past two weeks, due to Reborn's proper training. His legs ached at first, so Hayato and the rest treated him to a spa for a massage.

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