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[I dedicate this chapter to @Reyna_kaway12, @TheaShirou and @AlexPaclibon for commenting on the previous chapters. Enjoy!]

The Hosts, surprisingly civil and not rowdy, are inside the room of one of the Ootori Hospitals.

They all had grim expressions as they waited for the brunet lying on the bed to wake up. It's been about six hours since the brunet went unconscious. It's already 1:00 am of the next day.

Chrome sat on a chair beside the bed, her Bossu's hand clasped between hers. She kept silently praying for him to wake up. The rest though, were a different matter.

Some were patiently sitting on the chairs and sofa, some were pacing, and some were staring into thin air.

Tsuna's fever wasn't helping. His exhaustion either. Beating up seven ripped and bulging yakuza men weren't easy, expecting from a girl with Tsuna's body state. He fought with only adrenaline and his hyper intuition as his allies. Once the adrenaline rushed out, he collapsed.

The doctors said he wasn't in any mortal danger. Of course, Tsuna isn't. He's just.. tired. He needs rest, especially with the fever, and that's the reason he wasn't waking.

But the Guardians were furious. If it wasn't for Chrome and Reborn holding them back, they were about to beat the living soul from the doctors themselves. They were demanding that Tsuna be awake.

Chrome sighed and released Tsuna's hand, gently placing it back on the bed, to make bunny apples. She knew Tsuna would be hungry once he wakes up. None of them had dinner yet.

She sliced about ten apples and offered them to the other Guardians, who all but stared at them until she placed one on their hands herself.

"M-minna.. Bossu wouldn't want to see everyone like this. Do you guys still remember the last time he woke up seeing us like this? He was depressed for three weeks. He doesn't want to see us like this. So.. Please.. For Bossu.."

With that, they each took bites on the apples, and took some more slices, until all the apples prepared for them were gone.

Chrome smiled a little.

'See, Bossu? That's why.. you should wake up immediately..'


It was six in the morning when the brunet lowly whimpered and reached a hand to his head.

"Tou-san..?" he mumbled, still disoriented. Tsuna still felt a bit weak, body still a bit heavy and warm, but it's a lot bearable now.

Then, memories from the previous kidnapping rushed back, shifting him off his disoriented state.

He bolted, sitting up straight, eyes wide. "Wha--" But when he saw his Guardians all sleeping, he let out a breath of relief, watching the scene before him.

Ryohei, Hayato, Takeshi and Lambo were all on the long couch in the exact order. But what made him smile was that Ryohei and Takeshi were both leaning on the middle Hayato, who had his brows a bit scrunched up, maybe with the weight. Lambo was sprawled lying on Takeshi's lap, breathing deeply.

Mukuro and Kyoya were as far away from each other as possible, but they both had this look on their sleeping faces.. Like they were some harmless, normal and innocent high school boys.. As if..

Reborn was sitting on the chair on one corner, ankles and arms crossed, but his face was covered by his fedora.

Chrome was sitting on a chair beside his bed, leaning on her arms, sleeping like a baby. One of her hands held his.

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