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[A/N: I dedicate this chapter to @DarkMist_Rain and @OJxAnime for commenting on the previous chapters. Enjoy!]


Squalo sighed for the nth time. This awkward silence in this room is killing him.

He sighed again and looked at Xanxus, his boss. This guy, he's always seen him as ruthless and untamed, no consideration to anyone, no mercy, no nothing. That's until one day that his boss woke up asking when school starts and ordered all his men to look for a certain trash.

Said certain trash barged into their already messy lives only to make it more chaotic.

And now, as he watched his boss, he flinched, cringed, as Xanxus looked like a very tamed liger. His crimson red eyes trained on the floor, couldn't even look up. His left hand held an ice pack to his cheek to ease the throbbing from a certain trash's punch. His lips that usually spat out colorful words were now shut.

"What happened?" finally, one of the brats asked. The one with the fedora.

Unfortunately, no one answered.

Reborn grew some tick marks. The World's Greatest Hitman is not one to ignore.

He pulled out his green gun and pointed it up, pulling the trigger. The loud bang making everyone jump and place a hand on their weapons that were stored somewhere within everyone's person in reflex.

"I asked, what happened?" Reborn repeated.

Xanxus pressed his lips. "Nobody mentioned that the trash is a girl?" It turned out to be an innocent question.. Or more like an accusation..

This earned gasps from the Varia party, looking at the brunet. The Vongola only closed their eyes in defeat. They knew the secret would be out sooner or later.

Tsuna, on the other hand, glared at Xanxus once more.

"Voiii! It's not our fault that we didn't know! He--she--this guy's been wearing the male uniform ever since we met!"

Finally, Tsuna sighed. "Squalo-san's right. They didn't know. I can't hold it against them. Xanxus too."

If you'll ask Xanxus what he hates about Tsuna, he would answer that it's the trash's entire existence. But also, one of the reasons why the liger is always pissed of him is because of Tsuna's forgiving nature. The trash gives in easily, as normal and effortless as breathing. Needs to toughen up.

But a few seconds later, he reminisced the few times he'd seen Tsuna's wrath. He shuddered at the thought. Nope. No need for more toughening.


After all that, Xanxus sat on his throne by the garden. Yep. He ordered Squalo to bring his mighty chair to this trip, then to this garden.

As ruthless as the Varia Boss is, with all the violence and all, he still likes the peace and tranquil silence of the night. He had his eyes closed, relishing the cool breeze and the light of the full moon above.

He then heard faint footsteps along the grass. It was too familiar. A pace he knew too well. But he didn't say anything, not even move an inch. Not unless he wants another punch.

"Xanxus.." Tsuna called out. It sounded.. hesitant..

Xanxus opened one eye to look at the Sky. Tsuna looked down and bit his lower lip, suddenly wary of those red eyes. "You must have a lot of questions. It must be quite.. shocking.."

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