Chapter Four

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"You shoulda seen her, man, hottest bitch I've ever laid eyes on. Blonde, tan, legs for days, tits and ass barely restrained by those tight clothes. Shit, if I was patched I'd be making her my Old Lady right now." Aiden, the newest prospect around here, says he'd make some girl his Old Lady just about every other day.

The freckle-faced, red head from the bar; the mocha-skinned goddess from the Lotus; the glitter-covered exotic dancer from the Diamond Lounge - they were all his picks for potential Old Ladies at some point.

Now, there's a new one he's going on about.

I laugh and take another sip of my beer.

"Ain't nobody gonna want your ugly ass, prospect," I yell out loud enough for the whole bar to hear. I turn to see him stick his head down, too scared to confront me. I chuckle and he ignores me, going back to his conversation, telling his buddies the hottie just moved into his apartment complex and how he is for sure 'gonna smash'.

"Hey, baby," a sultry voice comes from behind me as hands wrap around my waist and her chin perches on my shoulder.

I recognize exactly who it is when I feel her fake tits press against my back and her lips meet my neck.

"Fuck off, Gilly, ain't got time for you." I pull her hands away from my body and fling them backwards to the Sheep that's been trying to get in my bed for months now.

Gilly came here five months back when she had gotten herself into some trouble with a loan shark. Her cousin is a member and he paid off her debts, keeping her safe.

Don't know why he did it.

She isn't worth shit. Can't cook. Can't clean. According to my brothers, she can barely fuck worth a damn. Something about starfish syndrome.

But, she stayed, and turned herself into a Sheep - a club whore to be used whenever the guys see fit.

"Come on, baby, I'm all yours tonight, let's go up to your room," she pleads, ignoring my blatant dislike for her and running one of her hands through my hair.

I grasp her wrist in a crushing grip and spin around to face her.

"Don't fucking touch me. You ain't wanted here, now fuck off!" I push her backwards and she stumbles, almost toppling over.

Tears glisten in her eyes but I know she's not sad, just pissed.

She wants me. I don't.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now