Chapter Thirty

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*This backs up just a bit from the previous chapter of Dmitri, Aiden, and Talia's POV.
Is this book too long?
P.S. Just so you know, this whole week of Letha being free from Dmitri will be basically a bunch of fluff. She has the entire week to do whatever she pleases with no repercussions. Let's just hope the Raiders don't interfere.*


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My head feels as if someone is repeatedly shooting me with a nail gun, driving the steel deep into my pounding brain.

I roll over in my wrinkled sheets to an empty bed. Sitting up, carefully and keeping one hand to my throbbing head, I hear the water running in the bathroom.

A bottle of aspirin and a glass of water kindly sit on the nightstand and I swallow a couple before placing my feet on the floor and following the sound of flowing water from the shower.

I'm naked from the night before, so there's no need to undress before stepping into the steaming shower stall where my soaking wet, gloriously naked goddess awaits.

"Good morning." She beams and continues to run her slender fingers along her smooth skin, suds from her heavenly strawberry body wash running down her tanned body.

My already hard dick stiffens to full attention at the sight of her body of perfection, but the real kicker is those eyes.

I snap my head back to her face and catch sight of those baby blues before she closes them and lets the water cascade over her face.

"'Morning." I growl, reaching both of my hands out and taking her by the hips, drawing her backwards into my erection.

She gasps when my hardness rubs against her ass.

I trail my fingers down to her round globes and squeeze, remembering what it was like to be buried in her tight, little canal.

My head tilts down to fall between her neck and shoulder. Placing tender kisses along her flawless skin, she leans back into my embrace and places one of her hands on the back of my head, entwining her fingers within my dampened hair.

"I've got an appointment at the salon that I can't miss. We don't have time," she complains when I run my hands up her taut abdomen to the bottoms of her full breasts.

My thumbs reach up to flick against her pert nipples, successfully making her forget about whatever appointment she might have.

A soft moan breaks free from her lips and I see her eyes close when I look up to gaze at her beautiful face.

My beauty. My woman.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now