Chapter Forty-One

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The Lotus is quite possibly one of the fanciest hotels/casinos I've ever seen - and that's just going off of the few that I had gone into to apply for jobs when I first got here.

The casino itself is broken into several different parts and girls dressed in lingerie work as waitresses and bartenders, along with the dealers at the tables wearing some kind of revealing uniform as well.

"Are you having fun?" Blade slurs, tossing back another glass of whiskey and raising his eyebrows.

I wink and whisper, "I'd much rather be in bed, back at home, with you... naked. Maybe with your cock down my throat... Daddy." I kiss the soft flesh beneath his ear before pulling back and laughing, Ryder fake gagging next to us, having heard my little spiel.

"That can surely be arranged." He reaches around my waist and grabs ahold of my ass, squeezing roughly before dipping his hand into the severe split up the side of my red dress.

I'm not wearing panties and his hand finds my wet slit with ease, his fingers teasing along the damp flesh before dipping between my folds and nudging my clit.

I exhale on a breathy moan, covering my mouth with my purse.

"Not at the poker table, you two," Ryder groans and covers his eyes before slamming his head down onto the table and rattling the chips in front of him. "No, why do they always have to do this in public?"

I laugh and grab ahold of Blade, shoving the chips we've collected so far into my purse and leaving the table.

"Thank you!" Ryder shouts after us, causing more giggles or escape from me.

"I don't think I can wait until we get back, babe." His hand digs into my hip and I squeal when he buries his face into the crook of my neck, roughly biting the softness there.

"Earlier wasn't enough for you?" I tease.

"Never enough. I want you. Now. Always. Forever."

My breath catches in my throat. Now. Always. Forever.

"Then show me how much you want me, Noah."

"With pleasure."

We get into the elevator and he presses the button for the twelfth floor, halfway to the top of the building. I was half expecting him to take me to the penthouse, but I assume the club actually does use that floor for guests and not their own personal use.

"Do you feel that?" He questions, pushing his hips against my ass, his hard cock digging into my lower back.

I gasp, grinding back and sliding my ass over his dick. He growls lowly, sliding his right hand back to my thigh before trailing up through the slit in my dress.

His fingers trail along my soaked folds before diving straight in without warning. I clutch the railing in the elevator as his long, slender fingers push into my cunt, massaging me deeper than I could ever get on my own.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now