Chapter Six

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What is happening to me? I'm turning into a pussy just to get some pussy.

I halt my thoughts, knowing that's not all I'm after with her.

Never once have I spent the night with the same woman twice and I've already started planning our second night, third night, tenth night.

Letha is mine. Whether she knows it or not.

I don't date. But I can see myself tied down to her. I can also see her tied down under me, but that's for another time.

When I get back to The Diamond Lounge, Callie is still at the front, checking IDs and taking money.

I love my sister and I hate that she works here, but she's told me countless times that she actually likes working around all this madness. I allow it, as long as she stays fully clothed and never gets on that stage. I don't need to go on a killing spree, offing idiots staring a little too long at my sister.

Also, this is just her part-time job anyway. I don't know what I'd do if I had to worry about her being here all the time with these horny, drunk assholes.

"You're back!" She exclaims, shoving a twenty into the till and motioning for the guy she's helping to go on back. "Thought you'd of been gone 'til morning at the earliest."

"Ha, ha, very funny. I was just walking her home."

"Whatever you say, bro." She tilts her chin up, smirking, and looks away, turning her attention to a new customer.

"Wow, back so soon? That was fast. I'd always took you for more than a one pump chump," Ryder snickers from a booth in the back of the club when I come up to him and sit down, leaning back against the leather seat.

The waitress from earlier comes over and places a fresh beer down in front of me before giving me a seductive grin and wiggling her flat ass. She scurries back to the bar when I don't give her the attention she's looking for.

"I swear, you and Callie both. I was just walking her home. Is that so hard to believe?" I throw my hands up in exasperation then pull my pack of smokes out of my pocket, pulling one out and lighting up.

Smoke lingers in the air around us, but it isn't bothersome. Hell, smoke fills half the damn room most of the time.

"Actually, brother, it is. The notorious Blade Holt, VP of the Savage Wolves, doesn't just walk girls home and drop them off."

"Hmm, well, it seems like I just did. I was just being nice to the new girl. So fucking drop it already."

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, man, it's dropped."

I blow a puff of smoke out and down the entire bottle of beer in one go.

I'm definitely going to need another one. Maybe another ten.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now