Chapter Twenty-Nine | Part Four

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*Mild rape trigger. I say mild because of no graphic details, but rape is never mild. Sorry.*


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I can hear voices coming from the other room, but just barely.

I'd scream if it wasn't for the tape covering my mouth, irritating my sensitive skin and peeling the thin skin from my lips.

Soon enough, I hear the sound of a door slamming and I presume Dmitri's guest has left.

It couldn't have been the hooker from yesterday, seeing as I'm sure she'd be here all night if he invited her in.

No, this person has to be another 'associate' of his. Someone who does his dirty work or works with him somehow.

A single tear escapes my eye and I wish my hands were free so I could remove it.

Crying is for the weak.

I am not weak.

Getting kidnapped makes me seem weak though. The only time I've ever gotten myself into serious trouble and it's all because of this asshole.


-Two Weeks Ago-

"What would you like me to clean first, baby?" I ask the man listening on the other end of my laptop's Skype call.

His screen is blank, so I can't see him, but I know he's there.

"The fireplace. Bend over and clean the fireplace." I do as he requests and grab ahold of my hot pink feather duster and bend at the waist over my spotless fireplace that's never been used before.

I hear the sounds of the man jacking off to the image of my ass and pussy on display under my barely-there maids apron costume.

Taking the duster I move it back and forth against the hearth and shake my hips, giving the best possible show. He is paying me three dollars a minute, which is the best job I've had in a while now.

"Stick the duster between your legs," he commands and I roll my eyes where he can't see me. Spreading my legs a little further apart, I tickle my bare cunt with the clean duster, moving it back and forth until he's satisfied and asks me to get on my hands and knees to finish cleaning.

This job may pay well, but it's very demeaning. Listening to men and doing whatever they tell me to do is not my strong suit.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now