Chapter Thirty-One

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*OH MY GOD YOU GUYS! 100k views! You all are so amazing. Thank you so much for getting my book to this milestone. I don't know how to thank you all for all the support and love you've shown my precious Blade and Letha. I love you all so much and thanks a million! You're all the best!
By the way, I have officially been cigarette-free for 18 months and alcohol free for 24 months. These are another two huge milestones in my life and I'm very proud of myself! Others who have quit, I commend you for your hard work and those who are trying to quit, you can do it, I believe in you!*

 These are another two huge milestones in my life and I'm very proud of myself! Others who have quit, I commend you for your hard work and those who are trying to quit, you can do it, I believe in you!*

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"I'll see you later, babe." I place a kiss on her forehead and squeeze that round ass of hers.

She gasps, jumping slightly in shock and places her palms on my chest.

"Enough, you two. I'm getting sick of all the PDA lately." Ryder groans, his eyelids already heavy with the effects of his mid-morning alcohol indulgence.

"I can't wait for you to get a girlfriend so I can pick on you all the time." Letha retorts and sticks her hands on her slim hips.

Ryder laughs loudly. "Never, girl. There's no woman in this whole world who could handle all of this." He motions his hands down his torso and Letha laughs, causing Ryder to frown.

"Okay, sure thing, macho man." She rolls her eyes and giggles. "I'll be back soon." She kisses my lips and I hear Ryder sigh loudly in the background.

Flipping him off while still kissing Letha's angelic lips, I can feel his grimace behind my back, only making me smile into Letha's lips.

"Aiden!" I shout when I pull away from Letha, not bothering to turn my head to look for the prospect.

I hear the scuffle of boots against the hardwood and soon enough, the dark haired idiot appears before me. "Take care of my woman." I give him a pointed look and he returns my glare with ambivalence.

"Yes, sir." He salutes me, sarcasm underlying his voice.

Anger bubbles up within me. I grasp ahold of his shirt and pull him closer to me, our noses almost pressed together.

"Wanna try that again?" I breathe, my other hand clenching into a fist at my side.

He gulps, realizing he fucked up with the shitty attitude.

"I'll take care of her, Blade. You can count on me." He sounds sincere, so I release his shirt, flattening out the stiff cotton of his button down.

"Learn to show some fucking respect or you'll never move up in this club, you got that?"

He nods his head vigorously. "Yes, sir," he says this time without an ounce of sarcasm.

Aiden opens the front door and ushers Letha outside and I watch as they disappear down the road.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now