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*Chapter Fifty never notified people so make sure you've read that chapter before reading this Epilogue! This is officially the end of Blade! Thank you for joining me on this amazing ride.*


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"I really have to do this, huh?"

"Oh, yeah," Ash chuckles, crossing his burly arms over his chest.

Snickers and wolf whistles follow as soon as I hook my thumbs into the waistband of my boxers and drag them down to the gravel drive.

Kicking them off of my booted feet, I put my hands on my hips and stand proudly in front of the club and everyone else who decided to get an eyeful of my dick today.

I catch sight of Letha, sitting on one of the picnic tables, a bottle of water perched between her knees as she cups her hands around her mouth and hollers, "Woo!"

I roll my eyes and snake my leg over my bike, bringing her to life.

I give Letha a fleeting glance, taking note of the very drunk Talia barely keeping it together beside her. Letha leans into her friends side and blows me a kiss which I reciprocate.

With one of her hands covering her eyes, Callie stumbles forward, pushing past a red-faced Ryder. "Oomph! Blade, you there? Here, just take the damn money." I lean forward the extra little space between us and grasp the envelope filled with $500 cash and check the contents before handing it over to Ash.

"Deals a deal."

"Thanks for the funds for a new tattoo," he grins confidently.

I raise one eyebrow, revving my bike. "We own a fucking tattoo parlor, man."

He shrugs and I shake my head, turning my attention back to the road before me.

"Here goes nothing."


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Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now