Chapter Thirty-Eight

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That's what I am. Another goddamn interruption by one of my brothers and I'm whisked away to deal with whatever new problem has arisen.

I didn't want to leave Letha back at the pool. Not only because she was damn near naked and my cock was straining against my zipper painfully, but because I could see something was off in her eyes.

The way she gazed at me wasn't only filled with that seductive lusty look she gets on her face when I know she's thinking about the two of us naked, but something was wrong.

She looked... sad, distraught, conflicted, angry. Something is going on for sure.

It's got to be her jackass of an ex boyfriend. He's probably contacted her again. That's got to be it.


I grind my teeth together, following behind Ash and plotting his eventual demise in my head for taking me from Letha when she needs me until we're in the parking lot.

People stand around smoking cigarettes and drinking beer as the night is just getting started. Others trickle into the bar for even more entertainment.

I swing my leg over my bike and start her up, hearing the purr of her engine rumble beneath me.

Ash motions for us to get out of here and along with a few other brothers, we tear out of the lot and drive deep into the desert.

It's dark out, the partially full moon just rising high enough in the sky to illuminate our trek onto the deserted roads.

Ash didn't mention what the problem was, but I'm sure I'll soon find out.

Whatever it is, we better be able to handle it quickly. Letha... my woman, my Old Lady, my love... she fucking needs me. I could see it in those deep pools of ocean blue eyes of hers.

I haven't had a chance to see her after she left for work earlier today. While I sent Aiden to watch her at the Lounge, I took off for the warehouse the Raiders blew up recently.

With most of our stock destroyed and the building practically in ruins, it's necessary for us to get a new space and brand new inventory soon.

I spent most of the day bargaining back and forth with the Australians - twin brothers from Melbourne who deal in any kind of weapon one desires - on what they can give me to replenish our destroyed stock.

Thankfully, they'll be able to replace the majority of what we lost in the damage and we'll have the new location loaded with guns and ammo before too long.

After I finished up there, I headed straight back for the Den where I prayed Letha was back from work. I just wanted to see her. To touch her. To be with her.

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