Chapter Twenty

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*Lots of conflict, I know.
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P.S. If sex is your thing, I promise there is more to come. Letha and Blade aren't finished fucking just yet.*


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Several hours pass while Letha remains asleep in my arms, my painful erection still very much awake throughout the whole time.

It's hard to get it to go away when the most gorgeous woman is pressed tightly up against my body; her soft curves molded to my hardness.

I smooth her hair back and place a kiss on her temple, continuing my admiration for this woman I've known only a short amount of time.

It's funny how one person can change everything about you. She came into my life and flipped everything upside down, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

A soft knock comes on my bedroom door as I trail a single finger down Letha's shoulder and arm.

I look to her face and see she's still sleeping peacefully. "Come in." I whisper loud enough for the person to hear me and shift so more of the blankets are over my half naked body.

The door clicks open to reveal Callie standing there with a look of shock plastered on her freckled face.

I sit up, careful not to startle Letha awake, and get out of bed, throwing some clothes on.

"What's up?" I walk up to her and place my hands on her shoulders, looking down into her eyes.

Something is obviously distressing her.

"Ash is looking for you." I step back and cock and eyebrow up in questioning.

That's it? Ash is looking for me half the time. That's nothing new, nor interesting.

"Where is he?"

"He's downstairs." She gives me a quick squeeze on my forearm, looks to Letha with sad eyes, and then leaves my room.

I can hear her heeled boots click down the long hallway as she walks away.

Checking to make sure Letha is still comfortably out of it, I give her one last kiss on the forehead before leaving the room and heading downstairs.

I come into the large bar area and see nearly every single Wolf in the club sitting around.

My brows furrow in confusion until my eyes land on Talon.

He's crying outright in front of everyone here. Tears stream down his cheeks and fall off his jaw, staining his blue shirt. His eyes are red and puffy, signaling he's been at this for a while.

I rush through the crowd of brothers and go to his side, kneeling down and grabbing him by the shoulders to force him to look into my eyes.

"Brother, what's happened?" I already know it's something to do with Sasha and Bear. Never would he cry about anything else. Especially not in front of the club.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now