Chapter Thirty-Seven

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*How does everyone feel about the newest cover? 😊
P.S. This is the longest chapter I've ever written for this book! Enjoy!*

 This is the longest chapter I've ever written for this book! Enjoy!*

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The sky fades into a purplish-pink hue as the sun sets over the horizon.

I watch as car after car passes by along the Strip, the bright flashing lights of Las Vegas a blur as I trudge down the sidewalk back to the clubhouse.

I ditched Aiden back at the Lounge once my shift ended. He didn't care too much for my safety and has proven incapable of helping me defend myself, so I felt his presence in assisting me home was useless.

After numbly finishing the rest of my scheduled working time dancing for a few customers willing to ignore my obvious distress, I find myself passing nameless faces of happy tourists, people who have not a care in this world, people that aren't living in fear of their next move, wondering if they'll live to see another day.

I guess I'm not too concerned Dmitri will murder me, but I am worried about Talia.

He will kill her if I don't show up at the end of the week. He will kill my best friend and take me back 'home' where I'll endure Hell for the rest of my days.

Maybe he'll end up killing me one day. Maybe that day will be sooner than I think.

At least there would never be anymore pain. I'd never have to see or hear him again. Never have to watch as he fucks countless girls in front of me. Never have to push through the pain as he tears into my body when he fucks me. I'd really be free then.

Only in death will I truly be free of Dmitri.

Either my own or his.

As I stumble past countless groups of smiling tourists and street performers and copious amounts of drunks raving about their winnings at the casinos, I know what I have to do.

I have to tell Blade.

I have to tell him what Dmitri has planned for me.

To hell with Dmitri's threats. Blade and the club can protect me. Can protect Talia.

I can't do this alone and I can't go back to Florida with him.

I'd do anything for Talia but if there is another way to get her out of Dmitri's clutches, then I'm willing to try.

It's a gamble - who knows if Dmitri has spies scouting me and what I do and who I talk to. One wrong move in front of the wrong person could cost Talia her life.

Speeding up in my beat up converse, my feet hit the sidewalk faster until I'm practically running.

As soon as I see the lights of the Den grow closer, I slow down, catching my breath and taking a moment to slow my heart rate.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now