Chapter Nine

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Kissing this woman is like taking a breath of fresh air I didn't know I needed.

She's so soft and pliable in my arms and I just want to protect her from whatever past she's running from.

I knew it back at the diner when she wouldn't tell Ryder the real reason for her being here.

She's running from something, or someone.

I'm going to find out what, or who.

"Go get yourself ready, I'll be here to pick you up at five." I can't resist giving her ass a squeeze before releasing her and letting her scurry off into this shithole of an apartment.

I lean against my bike, intending to sit right here until she's ready. I'm not leaving her here alone - not now that I know she's hiding something.

I know it's not right to pry but I need to know what's causing her to be so secretive.

My phone's contacts consist of all the brothers, a few random girls, and the man I'm looking for - Turner.

Turner has been an invaluable resource for the club since we inadvertently rescued his ass from a local gang six years ago.

Man is a genius with a computer and can find anything out about anyone in less than a few hours.

I know he'll be able to look into Letha's past and see what she's so scared of talking about.

Clicking on his name, I bring the phone to my ear and listen to the ringing before he picks up.

"Hello?" His voice is raspy, as if he had just been asleep in the middle of the day.

"I need your help with something."

"Sure thing, boss, what do you want me to find?" I can hear him sitting up and shuffling around.

"There's a new girl that came here yesterday. Looks like she might be hiding something and I just want to make sure she isn't going to get herself in any danger. Plus, I don't want whatever she's running from fucking with the club." I hate to say it, but if she's got something big going on, the club needs to know. We can't be unprepared.

"What's her name? Age? Where is she from?" I hear him rapidly typing on his laptop when I relay the little information I have on her.

"I'll get back to you later when I know something."

"Thanks, Turner."

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now