Chapter Fourteen

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*Holy crap you guys! We hit over 3k reads! This means so much to me! Thank you all for reading and being so incredible! xx*

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Saturday came faster than an overweight, middle aged man who hasn't gotten laid in six months.

The last few days spent with Blade were incredible.

We'd only spent the night with one another that one time, and he seemed to be fine with me suddenly changing gears and slowing it all down.

We're still spending our days together, though.

After he disappeared before I left for work on Thursday, I expected him to show up at the Lounge, but he never did.

Ryder didn't either.

I overlooked it and worked my shift, garnering a pretty decent amount of money for the night.

Another week or two of working and I will surely be able to pay rent, buy more groceries, and hopefully get a car.

Yesterday, Blade did tell me not to worry about getting a car, because him or another member would be able to bring me anywhere I need to go, whenever I needed to go there.

I'm thankful they are willing to take care of me like that, but I've never had my own car before.

Dmitri bought me a BMW for my eighteenth birthday, but it never felt like my car. Just like our penthouse apartment was never my apartment.

I want to get a car for myself. It's a milestone I missed out on when I was a teenager and it's sort of... symbolic of my changing, new life.

I'm standing in my bedroom, flattening the wrinkles in my white crop top that has been crumpled in the bottom of my suitcase when my phone chimes.

Vi: Hurry up!

I laugh and chuck my phone into my satchel, throwing it over my head and grabbing my keys.

Violet and Callie are talking animatedly in the car when I come downstairs.

I spent all morning shuffling through my closet, looking at my new clothes and old clothes, trying to find something suitable to wear tonight to the party, and came up empty.

So I texted the girls and asked if they wanted to go shopping.

No surprise, they both said yes.

"Hey!" Callie practically shouts when I open the back door and hop inside Violet's hatchback.

"Hey guys." I settle into the seat and pull the seatbelt over my chest, buckling up.

"Took you long enough," Violet snorts, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot and into Vegas traffic.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now