Chapter Twenty-Six

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Club members barrel through the front doors, anger evident on all of their faces.

I look up from my spot at the bar and search the crowd for Blade and finally come across him assisting Ash into the building, fury written all over his face.

Blade helps Ash into a chair and I stand up to head over there, even though the rest of the occupants of the Den hang back away from the raging group of bikers.

"Someone call the fucking doc!" Blade shouts over the loud murmurs turning the once quiet bar room into a cacophony of arguments from the members and wailing from the distressed Sheep.

"Can I help?" I ask as I approach Blade cautiously, careful not to startle him as I walk up behind him.

He whips around, his face softening as his eyes settle on my body, glancing over my whole being - almost as if he's making sure I'm real.

He lets out a long sigh of relief and asks, "Could you get a bottle of scotch?" I nod and turn back around to ask Jazz for a bottle.

They sure must go through a lot of alcohol around here.

I return to Blade and hand over the bottle, my own indulgence in alcohol still buzzing through me making things a little hazier than I would like them to be.

Blade hands the bottle of Macallan over to Ash who placed it between his legs and twists off the cap, dragging the tip to his lips and turning the bottle up.

Three quarters disappear faster than I could drink one shot and my eyes widen in shock.

"Fuck, gonna need a lot more of that." He complains, holding onto his arm that seems immobile in his firm grip.

He sees me staring and explains whatever the hell is wrong with him. "Pretty sure my shoulder is dislocated and my hip hurts like a fucking bitch." He takes another long swig of scotch, setting the expensive liquor down on the table carefully.

"I don't know what I can do for your hip, but I can put your shoulder back in place, if you'd like?" I know a doctor is coming soon, but I'm sure he'd like some relief now.

With all of their mystified looks, I clarify, "I've had practice." Absentmindedly, I rub my own shoulder and look down on the floor in embarrassment.

Dislocating both of my shoulders was Dmitri's favorite pastime. Not only were there no visible marks with clothes on - the recovery time wasn't that long and it didn't involve my face.

"You sure you can do it?" Blade asks and I don't even question myself, I know I can. So I simply nod and stand in front of Ash who groans when I grab ahold of his arm in my hands, keeping a loose but still firm grip.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now