Chapter Eleven

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I have died and gone to Heaven. There is no other explanation for the feeling of having a half-naked Letha straddling my hips and grinding her pussy on my groin.

Fuck, I can feel her sweet heat through the thick material of my jeans.

My cock is throbbing, aching to be buried deep in her cunt.

But, not here. She doesn't want to be treated like a whore and I don't intend for that to ever happen.

I muster the courage to push her away and she looks shocked, albeit a little pissed.

"What's wrong?" I don't miss the similarities here. This is the same thing that happened earlier, except now I'm pushing her away. "Don't you want this?" Her hands drop to her sides and I miss having them pressed against my body.

I rest my hands on her hips and stand up. "I do. But not here. Let's go back to your apartment. It's not private enough here and I don't want to share your screams of pleasure with anyone else."

Her cheeks blush a deep crimson and she slips her bra straps back over her shoulder before going to her cubby and pulling her clothes quickly over her body.

I pick up my shirt and cut and throw them both back on, adjusting my cock in my jeans that are suddenly too fucking tight.

"Let's get out of here." Her tone is urgent as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the dressing room and back into the Lounge that's closing down for the night. Only a few customers remain.

"Goodnight, Vi! I'll see you tomorrow." Letha waves and Violet waves back, blowing her a kiss, her perky tits hanging out of her bra, dangling over an older man frozen in awe.

We head to the front where Callie is counting bills at the register with June beside her.

"Night, sis." I don't even bother to give her a hug. I need to get out of here and get Letha back to her apartment so I can wrap those creamy thighs around my waist and plunge myself into her hot pussy.

My need for her is growing and I don't know if I can take any hold ups.

"Good night! See you this weekend, Letha!" She shouts and I don't give Letha a chance to respond before I am pushing her out of the door and to my bike parked out front.

I hand her a helmet and throw my leg over, starting up my bike while she gets on behind me, her delicate hands clasping together over my waist, those perfect tits pressed against my back.

Fuck, riding with a woman is pure torture.

"Ready?" I ask over the roar of the engine.

She gives me a thumbs up and I ride off down the road, ignoring every speed limit sign there is.

Nothing is stopping me from getting this woman home and fucking her raw.

We come up outside of her shithole apartment and I park my Harley, getting off and rushing us up the stairs.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now