Chapter Forty-Nine

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*Fact about me: my real name is Sarah.
Fact about this story: there's only one more chapter and an epilogue after this.*


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I'm not sure how long I've been in this dark, dank room, illuminated only by a single wick candle burning on a tabletop by the door.

An hour? Two? Maybe three?

I haven't stopped thinking about Blade since Dmitri threw me in here and left me to wallow, only returning every so often to torture me with his demeaning words.

Is Blade okay? Is he still alive?

Oh god, have they killed him?

My lower lip trembles and I bring my fingers to my mouth to stifle my heavy sobs.

My throat tightens and my chest becomes stiff as another round of wails rack through my body at the thought of Blade being dead.

Tears drip down my cheeks and land onto my bare knees that are pulled close to me.

"Stop fucking crying." Dmitri spits, kicking me in the shin with his loafers.

I look up and meet his cold, steely gaze. His eyes are narrowed in disgust as he looks down his nose at me curled up on the dirty concrete floor in front of him.

I continue to cry, making it my mission to produce even more tears than before, if only to piss him off further.

"I said... stop with the damn crying. Between this and the screaming when I head downstairs, I'm getting a splitting migraine." He rubs his temples to prove his point and closes his eyes.

The screaming.

The torture.

The torture that's happening just two floors beneath my feet.

"T-then lets j-just leave. W-we can go back to F-Florida. Right n-now," I beg, even getting up onto my knees and placing my palms on Dmitri's thighs to plead with him.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" His face twists up in his signature smug grin and his hands come to rest on top of mine, dragging them closer to his groin.

I resist yanking my hands free before he can put them over his dick and instead let him do what he likes with me, opting to keep my face neutral and my disgust within.

"Feeling a little guilty, are you?" He chuckles and releases my hands, allowing me to pull them back. I shuffle backwards on my ass until I've backed up a couple of feet from him.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now