Chapter Ten

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I was confused when Blade told me he had 'club business' to handle. What the hell was this business he kept mentioning?

I even asked Callie when I got a chance if she knew what was going on with everyone, but she said that their business is their business and good luck ever finding anything out.

It irritated me when she told me that earlier. I didn't want there to be secrets between Blade and I if I were to pursue this... relationship with him.

It's been hours since he disappeared, though, so I've had some time to get over it. Whatever it is, it must be serious with the way he tore out of the parking lot like a madman on a mission.

He promised he'd be back later for a dance but my shift is over in another hour and he still hasn't shown up.

It's my first night working a full shift and I absolutely love it.

Violet is working also and we went to dinner together on our break and got to know one another over margaritas.

Apparently, she is a law student. How cliché. A broke student who needs money to pay for school turns to stripping.


But, hey, whatever works for you, right?

At least this job is paying her bills and she'll graduate debt free with a freaking law degree.

Definitely something to be proud of.

I also found out from her that she used to date one of the clubs members a few years back when she first came here. His name is Ranger and apparently the two of them are still pretty close and hook up from time to time.

She said I would meet him at the party this weekend if I went.

I keep hearing about this party and everyone I am going to meet there; I guess I have no choice but to make an appearance.

The patrons have been dwindling for the past hour as it gets closer to closing time.

Only a few of us girls are still working and I really want to get off my feet for the night. These heels are killing me and a nice, long, hot bath is calling my name.

"Hey, baby." A mans voice comes up from behind me before I feel a calloused hand grab me by my upper arm, forcibly pulling me backwards into a firm chest.

I turn to see a burly man, the majority of his body covered in tattoos.

They even snake up onto his shaved head in the shape of a dragon.

He's not wearing the Savage Wolves cut, so I know he's just a regular customer.

"Why don't you give me a dance?" He pulls out a fifty dollar bill and sticks it in the side of my bra.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now