Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Let's head out!" Ash shouts loud enough for all the brothers to hear.

Today they're finally releasing Stone from the hospital. After a severe concussion, multiple lacerations from the explosion, and a broken arm, they're finally giving him the okay to head back to us.

And I'm sure one of the Sheep will be more than accommodating for him when he settles back in.

I stomp out my cigarette and throw my arm over Ryder's shoulder.

"At least we're getting one brother back today." Ever since Talon lost Sasha and Bear, he sort of checked out of life for the time being.

He's locked himself up in one of the club's cabins out in the desert with a case of bourbon and a pound of weed and no intention of coming back before it's finished.

We check the cameras inside the cabin every couple of hours to make sure he's still there and alive, but other than that, we're all giving him the space he needs.

The only man here who's ever lost their Old Lady is Ronan, and it took him three years to get over her death, and he definitely wasn't as invested in her as Talon was with Sasha.

And losing a child... I can only imagine what that must be like. Losing my parents was one thing - lots of people lose their parents, that's a pretty common thing - but losing your son, before he's even been given a chance to grow up, that's fucked up.

The Raiders deserve everything we're going to give to them when the time is right. Donatello and his family have a death sentence hanging over their heads for what they've all done to us - to our own family.

Ash has already gotten in contact with William and he's agreed to help us out by getting Maisie a job working as a housekeeper in Donatello's penthouse. By the end of tomorrow, the Sheep should have successfully landed the job and be on her way to becoming a useful little hang-around.

Once she's established herself in Donatello's household, that's when we'll strike.

He won't even know what hit him.

"Let's head out, brother." Ryder claps his hand on my back and jolts me out of my reverie. I finish off the remaining liquid in my beer bottle and slam it down onto the bar nearly shattering it, anger fueling my movements at the moment.

I'm still reeling from the revelation that Letha has a pretty dangerous ex boyfriend after her. It doesn't even seem real. She's so sweet and normal, how the hell did she ever think getting herself caught up in a man like that's world was smart?

But, then again, I guess you could say the same thing about her and me together. I may not be the ring-leader of a human trafficking business, but I am a killer; a drug dealer; a bad guy.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now