Chapter Thirteen

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Changes Made
• The Madam from the brothel is now named Michelle instead of Daniella
• Letha is from West Palm Beach instead of Miami
• Letha's biological father passed away when she was a baby instead of him having run off when she was young
• I've changed the photo for Violet as her appearance has changed
•Dmitri's name is supposed to be spelled like that, by the way
*You do not have to reread anything. I've added a few lines here and there but nothing that will change how you see things*

 I've added a few lines here and there but nothing that will change how you see things*

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I hate that I have to leave Letha, but I can't pass up this chance to get a little bit of revenge on the Raiders.

When I meet up with a few brothers, Hunter shows up and tells us what he found out at the hospital.

The blood work came back for Kara and the doctors were able to find mifepristone and misoprostol in her body - more commonly known as drugs to induce an at home abortion.

Never would Kara willingly end her own pregnancy. Her and Hunter have been trying to have a baby for nearly five years now.

It had to be the Raiders that drugged her and forced her to miscarry their child.

And to top it all off, the fucking warehouse mess. Unless some new fucks are in town, everyone around here knows not to fuck with our shit.

Over one hundred thousand dollars worth of cocaine and weapons were stored there, and now more than half of it is gone.

The prospect guarding our shit didn't even stand a chance. The assholes came in and blew the place up faster than anything could be done to stop them.

Now the prospect is dead and Stone is in the ICU, and we can barely salvage any of the merchandise from the wreckage.

"You ready for this?" Talon growls from behind me.

It may not be his kid that was murdered by these assholes, but he does feel a deeper connection than most of us.

I know that if it were his son who they murdered, there wouldn't be any holding him back. He'd go in, guns blazing all on his own and kill every last one of them.

I turn my head to the side and peer at him out of my peripheral. "Always ready to kick ass, brother."

But we aren't just kicking ass, today. These motherfuckers are going to die.

I flip the safety off of my gun and stand next to Ash as he kicks in the back door of the abandoned building the Raiders are using as a hangout.

The front door slams open to reveal Fox and Ryder, the exact same time we burst through into the sparsely occupied room.

Shouts ensue as six Raiders pull their weapons and stand, firing at us.

They don't stand a chance.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now