Chapter Nineteen

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How would you feel about reading a standalone short story about Gray and Callie?
P.S. This is NOT a werewolf or supernatural story*

 This is NOT a werewolf or supernatural story*

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When I wake up, the most unbearable pain shoots through the back of my neck.


I roll the joints to release some of the pressure that falling asleep in a crappy position caused and look to my bed.

Letha isn't there.

I quickly become more alert and stand up, taking note of her phone missing off the side table.

I let out a sigh and settle back down into the chair and pull my boots on, preparing to go and find her, wherever she may be.

She must be making a call, so more than likely she's downstairs somewhere private or outside.

Her clothes are crumpled on the floor beside the bed so she must not be far to have walked away in what I assume must be my clothes.

I suppress a groan at the thought of her waltzing around in my clothes.

Finishing up with dressing, I stand and leave my bedroom, closing the door behind me and making my way down the quiet hallway.

Couples sleep in precarious positions along the couches, chairs, and floors - hell, any surface really.

I chuckle at the scene before me.

Just another morning after at the Den.

A man and a woman I've never seen before are unconscious at the top of the stairs and I have to step over them to get down.

Unfortunately, for them, my boot catches on his shoulder, rolling them forwards and almost down the stairs.

"Goddamn idiots." I grab the man and roll him backwards until the two of them are settled back a few inches from the stairs.

They're still sleeping soundly and I wonder at what the hell they've taken to knock them out so hard.

I head down the stairs, after looking back at them to make sure they aren't going to roll down to their death, and see Ryder in front of me.

Slamming my hand down on the pool table in front of his face, I manage to rouse one of the two sleeping women who've attached themselves to his sides.

She sits up on her elbow, giving me that sleepy, seductive smile the women around here are known for.

"'Morning, Blade, need me to come up to your room? I'm sure Ryder will sleep for another hour." She runs her fingers through her long black hair, tossing it over her shoulder to reveal her tits.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now