Chapter Sixteen

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Blade got caught up with Ash and the other club members, so hence, the reason I am now with Aiden - the prospect who gives me weird vibes and sexual winks.

"Need me to come up with you?" His lips turn up in a hopeful grin and I cringe at his excitement, taking a few steps back towards the stairs as he takes two steps towards me.

What would Blade do if I told him Aiden was coming on to me, even after he was told that I was off limits?

I hold my hands in front of me to ward him off. "No, no, you stay down here. I can get dressed just fine on my own."

"Suit yourself, I'm here if you need me, doll." He winks and turns back to the car and leans against the drivers side door.

I shiver and rush up the stairs and into my apartment.

The scent of lilac hits me as soon as I step through the threshold. An empty pizza box and a bag full of trash sits next to the kitchen table reminding me I need to take out the trash at some point.

I fling my keys and purse onto the couch and make my way into my bathroom, hanging up the new dress on the back of the door.

I strip out of all my clothes until I'm naked and turn on the little heater in the corner to warm the chilled room up.

Turning the sink faucet on, I throw my leg up on the side of the counter and wet a razor under the stream and quickly shave my legs.

I dry off and fix my makeup - which doesn't need much tweaking - and hair, adding a few teases here and there to make it a little more voluminous.

My new dress, well... romper, is stunning and I know Blade will like it on me, even if the only thing on his mind will be taking it off of me.

I've decided tonight I won't make him wait any longer. Plus, my own need is driving me crazy.

Just a few days and I've already become sex-deprived.

Slipping on a lacy pair of panties, I pull the romper up and settle it over my shoulders and make sure my bare breasts are covered.

Taking a moment to admire my reflection, I realize within the week I've been here, I've put on a pound or two, causing my typical flat stomach to bulge slightly outwards.

Ha, in your face, Dmitri.

I laugh and flatten my hands against my newly bloated stomach and open the bathroom door to find my knee-high suede boots.

Picking up my purse again, I make my way back down to the parking lot where Aiden patiently awaits.

He looks up when he hears me, his eyes widening as they take in my appearance.

"Damn, girl." He bites down on his lower lip as his grey eyes rake over my body, making me uncomfortable. "Blade is a lucky man," he says through gritted teeth. The disdain in his voice is palpable. I can tell he wishes he is the lucky one.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now