Chapter Twenty-Nine | Part Three

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-Eight Months Ago-

"Read it again, daddy!" My baby girl shouts, excited to hear the princess tale once again, even though she knows she should be getting to sleep.

Her mother is going to kill me for keeping her up so late.

"You've got to get some rest, baby. Daddy needs his sleep too." I look down at my wristwatch and see it's past ten o'clock.

Hayley should have been home hours ago.

We'd had a fight earlier today and she took off. I got a text around five telling me she was with her sister and I hadn't been worried too much, but now I'm starting to grow concerned.

We'd had plenty of fights in the past and every time she ever disappeared she'd end up reappearing just before dinner.

Now, the house is silent and Ivey is still awake.

"One more time, baby, then you've got to get some sleep." So do I. I've been up since yesterday and I highly doubt I'll be getting much of any sleep tonight if Hayley doesn't return soon.

Through bleary, sleep-deprived eyes, I begin reading the story of the princess locked in a tower whose prince will eventually come and rescue her.

We're just now getting to the good part where the prince has arrived at the castle when I hear the front door slam open, knocking framed photographs off the walls to crash in a flurry of glass on the hardwood floors.

"Fuck," I breathe, closing the storybook and placing it on the side table beside Ivey's bed.

Surprisingly, the loud crash didn't wake my little angel and she's still sleeping soundly in her pastel pink blankets.

"'Night, princess." I lean over to kiss her on the forehead and go to investigate.

I'm sure it's just Hayley coming in drunk off her ass again.

As I round the corner to the living room, I open my mouth to speak, "Hayley, what the hell-"

But, it's not just Hayley in the lounge.

Three men, one in a freshly pressed pin-striped suit smoking a cigarette, and the other two wearing leather vests with a variety of patches sewn onto them.

Hayley is unconscious, laying on the floor by their feet.

"Hayley!" I scream and rush to her side, collapsing to the ground and holding her head up to examine the blood pouring from her temple.

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