Chapter Three

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Morning comes way too quickly. Sunlight pours through the curtain-less windows above Talia's bed, causing me to squint at the brightness attacking my poor, sensitive eyes.

This feeling right now is worse than the morning after Dmitri let me indulge in more than half a bottle of some weird Russian vodka he brought home.

In elementary school, Rebecca Daniels accused me of stealing her Barbie pencil pouch and clocked me on the playground when the teachers weren't paying attention. That was the last time I'd ever been hit in the face, up until last night that is.

Dmitri knew better than to hit my so-called precious money making face and always made sure to not mess up the 'goods' when he got angry. But, him and Quinn both hit me in the head last night, and now I know what it feels like to want to crack my head open to relieve the pressure building on my brain.

"Wakey, wakey!" Talia's angelic, but raspy from the constant smoking voice spoke from beyond the door to the bedroom.

I sit up and she comes through the door, carrying a wooden tray laden with sausage, eggs, toast, hash browns, cheese, pancakes, and fruit.

My stomach growls at just the sight of the mound of food covering the tray.

I pull the blankets off of my bare legs and sit up comfortably against the headboard, placing a plush pillow behind my sore back.

"How you feeling?" Talia questions, setting the food down in between us on the bed and digging in.

"Sore, tired, and I have the worst headache I think I've ever had," I explain through small bites of almond buttered toast.

Dmitri never allowed me to eat like this. He always said it wasn't good for my figure to gorge myself on breakfast food.

Hell, any food for that matter. While he got to eat his weight in red meat and bread, I got dressing-free salad and water. My 'breakfast' usually consisted of four almonds and half an apple.

Not anymore.

I grab for the hearty sausage and practically inhale the tasty link. I resist the urge to moan at the taste of real food and continue shoveling more into my mouth.

"Woah, babe, slow down, don't want you to choke. Food isn't going anywhere," Talia laughs, picking apart the block of cheddar cheese and taking a few bites.

I stop and laugh with her at my animalistic urge to devour the entire plate. "Guess I'm just hungry. You know he doesn't let me eat like this."

The only time I was ever allowed to eat like this, was when I came to spend time with Talia. And even then, I had to be careful not to eat too much or else I'd get bloated and he'd be able to tell.

"Fuck him. You can eat whatever you want. You have never been overweight a day in your life."

"Not according to him, though."

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now