Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Good morning!" The overly cheery for eight am voice of Callie calls out to me.

I groan at the thought of waking up, disturbing the blissful peace that sleep brings.

Throwing a pillow over my head, I burrow back into the bed and attempt to hide from the enthusiastic demon hovering over me.

"Oh, no you don't!" She grabs the pillow from my head and rips it away, exposing me to the room now flooded with brightness from the open curtains. "We've got a lot to do today, so up and at 'em!"

I roll over onto my side, squinting my eyes and seeing Callie standing there, dressed and ready for the day already. "And, what, pray tell have we got planned for today?" All I want to do is lay in bed. Sex with Blade yesterday seemed to put me into a freshly fucked coma and now my legs resemble jelly.

"We gotta go collect your stuff from your apartment, duh." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, shifting all of her weight to one hip.

"Uhm... what? Why do I need my stuff?" I tilt my head to the side in confusion. Did something happen to my apartment overnight?

"'Cause you're moving in here, silly. Blade said to wake you up and help you get your stuff together and to come back here." The enormous smile on her face is almost comical and I wonder for a moment if she acts the way she does, or if she's genuinely this happy all the time.

"I'm moving in here?" I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes, yawning the whole time.

"Ah, don't do that." Callie yawns as well when she sees me doing it.

"Don't wake me up before noon." I laugh and scramble out of bed, getting dressed in my clothes from the day before and shoving my feet into my borrowed sneakers.

I brush out the tangles from my hair with my fingers and swipe my middle fingers under my eyes to remove the leftover mascara that didn't come off when I washed my face last night.

"How much stuff do you have?" Callie asks, leading me down the hallway to the stairs that will take us back into the Den.

"Not much. I came here with just a few suitcases and that's it. The apartment I live in is already fully furnished so none of that is mine."

"Totally do-able then with just the three of us."

"Three of us? Who else is coming?"

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now