Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Looks like we're sticking with the original cover! Still open to someone making one for me though!
By the way, this song is bomb as fuck, and mandatory; please listen and enjoy the glorious sexy voice of Jez Dior.
Also, 60k views! That's amazing thank you all so much!*

Also, 60k views! That's amazing thank you all so much!*

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Shock is all I feel at his confession - his profession of love for me.

Blade... Noah loves me.

I'm sure I look a mess with my mouth hanging open in awe and my feet firmly planted on the wood flooring of his bedroom, refusing to move forward, to throw myself into his arms, to reciprocate his feelings.

His face doesn't look much different than my own. I can see he's surprised the words left his own mouth, but I can also see he meant it.

It may have come out without him willing the words to escape, but he isn't refuting his proclamation.

He really does love me.

No one has ever loved me before.

Talia, sure. But she is just my best friend.

My family? Maybe. Maybe my mother loved me at some point in life. My stepfather liked me but I'm sure he never loved me.

Dmitri? Not a chance. I was just the hot little whore on his arm and in his bedroom. There isn't an ounce of love to give in his entire body.

But, Noah... Noah has all of this love pent up inside of him that so many people get to enjoy. His sister, his brothers, the memory of his parents. And now I will.

Tears threaten to spill forth past my eyelids as I go back in forth in my mind, conflicted and frozen in place.

I know that I love him. I've only admitted as such deep within the confines of my mind but I know my thoughts to be true.

But can I tell him? Can I lead him on for just one single week before I disappear from his life, never to return?

He must take my hesitation as dismissal because before I can will my legs to work again, he throws open his door and marches down the hallway without another word past those lush lips I long to press against my own.

"Blade!" I finally call after him and step into the hall, thankful that no one is around to hear our conversation.

He stops abruptly and spins to face me, a dejected look on his face, his blue eyes dark with sorrow at what he believes to be my refusal of his love.

I cross my arms over my chest and wobble on my feet as I see the sadness slowly turning into anger as I'm sure his mind is turning my rejection over and over again.

"Stop, you don't have to say anything. Just forget it ever happened." He turns back around and leaves the hallway, turning the corner as I feel a single tear slipping down my cheek and hitting the top of my breast.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now