Chapter Forty-Six (Original / Graphic)

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*IMPORTANT WARNING: EXTREMELY EXPLICIT detail of what happened to Talon's wife and son. EXTREMELY EXPLICIT details of intense torture. Please, if you cannot handle this chapter, DO NOT READ IT. I will try and post a summary in the beginning of the next chapter.
Also, there is nothing wrong with LGBTQ+ people! Please don't get offended by anything said in this chapter.*


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"Letha!" My hysterical scream fills the deafening silence of the room after her legs give out beneath her, bringing her down to the blood-stained concrete.

Maisie drops lifeless to the ground when Donatello releases her, putting her side by side with the mangled corpse of Gilly, her face bloodied and unidentifiable.

Laughter erupts again from the two maniacs that just murdered two girls, who, if I'm being honest, weren't completely innocent, but still didn't deserve the shitty death they received.

"Now, now, darling, you've seen death plenty of times before, don't go and get all soft on me now," Dmitri tuts, crouching down to Letha's level, his elbows on his knees, and grabbing her chin with his hand.

I can see that her eyelids are heavy and her skin is pale but she's managed to stay awake, even though I know she's fighting the darkness that is aching to take over.

"Stay away from me..." she attempts to pull away from his grip but it only causes him to grab her harder.

She yelps and I can't stop myself from trying to pull myself free again. "Get the fuck off of her!" I roar, my wrists banging against the wall, the loud clanging of the chains ricocheting throughout the soundproofed room.

Dmitri huffs out a breath and rolls his eyes before lifting his chin to look at me. "I think it's time for you to learn your place, dog."

I grit my teeth at the derogatory term and hold back a world of insults. His hands are still on the love of my life.

"Go on and take her out of here while we get started, she'll just get in the way," Donatello commands and points to the exit.

Dmitri nods and picks Letha up under her armpits and lifts her into his arms. "Come on, my sweet, let's go and have some fun."

"No! Put me down!" Her arms and legs flail around in his hold but he doesn't ease up, if anything he holds her tighter to his chest.

My heart breaks at the sight and I can feel the thick droplets of blood trailing down my forearms from where I unconsciously pulled at my bonds again.

If only she wasn't so petite, she might be able to fend off his advances herself.

My eyes well up with angry tears as she's removed from the room and I scream after her, unable to hold back my fury. "Don't you dare lay a fucking finger on her! Goddamn you, you poisonous piece of shit!"

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now