Chapter Forty-Two

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*Are you reading my new book, Silver Linings? The updates will be sporadic, as Blade is my main work and I spend most of my time working on this. Once Blade is finished, I'll be starting book two of the Savage Wolves, featuring Callie and Gray, and still simultaneously work on Silver Linings. I hope you enjoy! 😊*

 I hope you enjoy! 😊*

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A splitting headache attacks me when I wake up the next morning.

Letha's warm, naked body is pressed up against my side and I grasp the soft flesh of her ass and drag her closer, almost on top of me.

She groans, snaking one of her small hands up my abdomen to rest along my chest, her long nails tickling my skin, sending shivers through my body.

"How you doing big guy?" Her voice is sleepy and sexy as hell, just like always.

"Not too good. Feels like I've been hit by a semi then backed over a few times before being thrown off a cliff. What the hell happened last night?"

She perches herself up on her elbow and gives me a sneaky little grin before giggling.

"Oh, god, what did I do?" I groan and run my hand down my face, staring up at the ceiling and focusing on the little crack next to the poster of a nude red headed chick on a bike I acquired years back.

Letha laughs, burrowing her face into my shoulder. "You really don't remember?"

All I remember is getting piss drunk at the casino and then waking up here. Maybe somewhere between that there was a flurry of blonde hair in front of me but I have no clue what that is about.

I shake my head and raise an eyebrow.

"Well, for starters, you're the cutest drunk I've ever met." She pecks my lips gently and quickly before settling herself back into the small space between my chest and arm. "After you got shitfaced, I decided to take you home but you weren't about to allow a prospect to take your bike back here so you insisted I drive you back."

My mouth drops in astonishment. "I fucking didn't."

"Oh, you most certainly did." She laughs, the melodious tune floating around us, cocooning me within her angelic presence.

I run my fingers through her tangled locks, pulling softly as not to hurt her.

"Did anyone see? Guys will give me shit for years if they saw us."

"No, Stone was outside but he left before we did. As far as I know, you're safe from future mockery."

"Good. If you ever want to do it again, let me know and we can go out away from prying eyes." I place a kiss on her forehead and land a firm smack on her ass, causing her to cry out and hit my chest.

"Ass." She rolls her eyes as I get out of the bed, my stomach rolling and threatening to expel whatever remains from the night before.

I clutch my stomach and hunch forward in agony.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now