Chapter Thirty-Two

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*If you don't follow me, you didn't see my post about how Wattpad was down for me. I could not see any comments or open this book at all. I got frustrated and didn't write for a week and then got a bad case of writers block from the lack of working. Forgive me for my absence, but updates should return to normal now!*

 Forgive me for my absence, but updates should return to normal now!*

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"I want to officially welcome Talon back after his... grieving period. It's good to have you back, brother." Ash raises a glass high and tips it in the direction of Talon, laying silently on the leather couch against the wall.

He's barely lucid and any moment now he's going to pass out completely.

After getting him and my bike back here, he proceeded to drink himself into another stupor and fall onto the couch in the meeting room.

Everyone around the table raises their own glasses to our brother before taking sips or draining the liquids.

"Now that you're back, you'll be able to come tomorrow. We've got everything planned. You don't have to worry about a thing. It's all handled. All you have to do is show up." Ash continues.

Talon's eyes flick up in the direction of Ash in acknowledgement, but he still doesn't speak.

A single tear escapes the corner of his eyes and he turns his head to the back of the sofa so no one sees.

My heart hurts for this strong man that's been so weakened by such a tragedy.

Sadness and anger travel through me, igniting my passion for revenge and my desire to rip apart Donatello and his family for good.

The day he's buried six feet under is the day all of this bullshit will finally be put to rest. No, it won't bring back those we've lost, but it'll sure as hell feel good to watch the life drain out of his wretched Italian eyes.

"So what time tomorrow is everything happening?" I ask, lighting a cigarette and inhaling the smoke deep into my lungs, letting the nicotine high calm my agitation.

"Hunter?" Ash nods in his direction and I shift in my chair to see him standing against the back wall.

"Bastian is too small to bury, so we - Kara and I - decided to have him cremated. We're planning on placing the urn in our family crypt around noon and then we'll put Sasha and Bear to rest after."

"No memorial beforehand?"

"Kara doesn't think she can handle any extravagant affair so no, nothing else."

"All right then." I nod.

"After the two of them finish up saying their goodbyes, Sasha and Bear will be buried in the eastern plots where most of our families are." Ash hands out a little map of how to get to where the burial sight will be - seeing as the cemetery is enormous and not everyone has been there before.

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