Chapter Fifteen

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"They can't go anywhere without escorts anymore. I refuse to put my sister, Letha, or any of the women in danger again." I blame myself for what happened.

If I hadn't have let Callie convince me they could handle themselves alone, then either myself or a prospect would have been with them, and then this whole disaster wouldn't have happened.

Callie wouldn't be pissed. Violet wouldn't be injured.

And Letha wouldn't be terrified.

I could see it in her eyes earlier. The same look a lot of girls who pass through here have towards the end of their stay when they've decided they've had enough.

Letha may like me, but if she's smart, she values her life too.

Sticking around the club isn't always the easiest thing to do, but I can protect her. I just have to make her see that she can be safe here with me.

"I agree," Ranger spits, his fist firmly wrapped around a large glass filled with whisky and a joint hanging from his lips.

Violet and him had something a while back and I know he still feels pretty strongly about her, even if she never became his Old Lady.

"What do you propose, prez?" Ryder questions, throwing back the rest of his beer. I grip my own tightly in my hand, the bottle still full of the dark brown liquid. I need to keep a clear head. I only accepted the drink so I would have something to occupy my hands that wouldn't stop fidgeting.

"Set 'em all up with prospects for when they're not working or around the Den. Only thing we can do. We can't lockdown everyone until we figure out a plan for infiltrating Donatello's penthouse, so for now the girls still have to go about their daily shit, just with a little extra security."

We decide Aiden will be with Letha - mainly because they live in the same apartment complex and it's convenient.

Though, I'm not happy about the decision.

As long as he doesn't try anything with my woman again, I'll just have to get over it. Ash has already made up his mind and there's no going back now.

Gray is placed with Callie and Ranger is adamant that he be placed with Violet, at least, until she recovers, and then Sean will take over.

"How are we going to retaliate?" Pierce speaks up.

"As soon as we find Donatello and his family, we'll do to him what he's done to us. And then we'll slaughter the rest of those psycho bastards. We'll paint the fucking town with their blood in the end." Grumbles of agreement follow my words and Ash bangs the gavel, ending our impromptu church.

There is no definitive plan yet. We may know where Donatello lives, but the security around that place has turned it into an impenetrable fortress.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now