Chapter Two

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My head is pounding when I finally come to. All the pain from before feels magnified and I gasp, trying to sit up without causing anymore damage.

Blinking a few times to remove the salty tears from my tired eyes, I see Dmitri sitting on the couch in front of me, drinking a large water glass filled to the brim with vodka. The bottle sitting beside him.

The look of disdain on his face only makes my anger flare up again.

I unsteadily make it to my feet but Dmitri is faster. He gets up from the couch and grabs me roughly by the arm and says, "So glad to see your return to the living." Yeah, not.

He throws me down onto the couch and I scream in anguish as my broken ribs shift inside of me.

"Stop with the screaming, Letha, I've had it with you tonight. Shit, I've had it with you in general. I'm so fucking fed up with your shit. You think you're special... well, honey, you're not. So, let's get that straightened out right now.

"You're going to get the hell out of this apartment and go somewhere else. Live on the streets for all I care. You're going to recover away from me, because I can't stand to look at your hideous face for another minute. When you're better, then you get to come back to me. Understand?"

His tone is cruel and I want nothing more than to strangle him until his wretched face turns blue and the life fades from his devilish eyes.

"I understand," I whisper, not able to meet his intense gaze.

"Now, get the fuck out." He storms back towards our shared bedroom and slams the door, leaving me alone in the living room, still aching.

This is my chance.

He's kicking me out and not having anyone follow me. No one will be watching me.

I can escape. I can get out of here without worrying about losing my life for disobeying his command to stay under his ever watchful eye.

I smile to myself when I realize this is my chance to change my life. No more working at the brothel. No more evil Michelle and the girls. No more being treated like a second class citizen.

No more Dmitri.

No more.

Slowly, I get up and head to our bathroom that leads into our shared walk in closet.

I grab a couple of suitcases and begin packing as much as I can fit into them.

In the bathroom, I steal his Percocet from the medicine cabinet and swallow a few before putting the bottle in my bag.

Behind the toilet, I open the tank and pull out the plastic bag containing all the money I've managed to save over the years without him noticing.

There has to be nearly two grand in here - enough to get me started, but not enough to survive on.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now