Chapter Thirty-Three

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*I am sorry it is so short, but my writers block is intense. I know exactly what is going to happen at the end of the book, but I'm having trouble on figuring out what's going to happen to get to that point. If I miss a few updates, I apologize in advance. Just know, I will never forget about this book and updates will come!!*

 Just know, I will never forget about this book and updates will come!!*

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"Tell me something I don't know about you," I say excitedly, picking up a few noodles with my chopsticks and bringing them to my mouth.

Before we came out to the overlook in the desert, Blade and I picked up a massive amount of Chinese food from his favorite spot right off the strip. After throwing a blanket down onto the sandy ground, we made ourselves comfortable and began chowing down.

"Something about me, huh? Hmm, let me think." He taps the end of his chopsticks against his full, puckered lips in contemplation and I admire his handsomeness in the fleeting light of day.

The sun is just setting over the horizon casting an orange and purple haze over the expanse of the desert laid out before us.

Blade's blueberry colored irises manage to illuminate with the fire from the disappearing sun, amping his constant look of lust.

"Anything. I just want to know more about you. I want to know everything..." Because if you don't tell me now, I'll never get a chance to find out.

"Well... When I was fifteen, I was hanging out with Ryder and Talon, you know, doing dumb kid shit, shooting guns we stole from our dads, drinking beer we took from the Den, the usual.

"Anyway, Ryder had gotten involved with some girl from school and decided he was going to show off by popping off a few rounds one right after the other while she was watching with her friends.

"With the alcohol flowing and Ryder not all there in the head to begin with, the dumbass slipped in the sand, tripping and accidentally shooting me in the shoulder. Broke my collarbone and everything. Ended up having to have surgery to fix the damage.

"Man, my pops sure did lay into him when we turned up back at the clubhouse with a bullet wound and a blood alcohol level of 0.16." Blade laughs and looks to the ground, absentmindedly rubbing his shoulder where Ryder must have shot him all those years ago.

"Did you guys get into any big trouble?"

"Nah, dad laughed it off with the other members at the time after he was done shouting about how much of an idiot we all were. Mom, on the other hand, wasn't all too happy. She tried to ground us, but that never lasted much in our households. The three of us always found ways to get out of punishments."

"I take it you've forgiven Ryder over the years?" I chuckle, biting into my sesame chicken, savoring the flavor of the delicious calories.

"I forgave him five minutes after it happened. He's my brother. He's my family. Him and Talon both. We grew up together. I'll always forgive the two of them no matter what stupid shit they do."

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now