Chapter Twelve

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*Reminder that I do not update on the weekends and I might not be updating Monday. The hubby and I are going on a little getaway and we're going to be busy, if you catch my drift. If you like this story so far be sure to vote, comment, and add to your library! Love you all so much. It makes my day to see people enjoying my work ♥️*

 It makes my day to see people enjoying my work ♥️*

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For the first time in a long time, I didn't wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.

Instead, I slept soundly, wrapped up in the warm embrace of Blade.

Morning comes and daylight shines over his chest, giving me a clear view of the intricate tattoos littering his arms.

There's more on his back, but these are still beautiful to look at.

I trace each one, careful not to disturb him in his sleep.

He looks so peaceful. So serene.

The harsh biker attitude is gone from his expression while he sleeps and I find it sexy as all hell.

Not that his usual persona isn't panty-wetting already.

Blade has to be the hottest man to ever grace my bed. Even Dmitri can not compare to his ethereal good looks.

Skin so sun-kissed, it glows. Eyes so blue, you'd think they were enhancement contacts. A body chiseled by Adonis himself out of the most precious block of marble.

How perfect can one man be? Or am I just blinded by my intense and sudden feelings for this mysterious man that I overlook any and all flaws he has to carry.

I take a closer look and notice a thin scar over his left pectoral muscle, faded to a light pink over the years. A birthmark the size of a golf ball adorns his ribs in an abnormal shape, almost like a if someone took a pink, paint tinged sponge and dabbed it along his golden skin.

More scars cover his body in odd places and I wonder if he has noticed my own.

It's not like I'm actively trying to hide them from anyone, so I'm sure he's seen them. At the very least, one person has - I've been practically nude twice now, there's bound to have been a few customers to notice my body marred with the years of damage done by Dmitri.


Stop thinking about that devil while in the arms of someone so far from evil - or, less evil, I should say.

It's obvious that the club doesn't stay completely within the lines of the law. There has to be some illegal activities they're involved in. There's no way they make enough money to sustain everyone just from the strip club and a few of their other assets.

But, nothing can be as bad as what Dmitri does for a living.

Just thinking about his crimes gives me the chills.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now