Chapter Twenty-Five

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*By the way, the pictures don't always mean something, I just think this girl is smoking hot.*


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I'm a paranoid, nervous wreck. That's all there is to me.

When Aiden, Callie and I arrive back to the clubhouse unscathed, I know I'm just being overly suspicious because I don't like Aiden.

"Need any help with your stuff?" He asks as the three of us step out of the vehicle, my heels digging into the gravel parking lot.

I look up at Aiden and try to look past the villainous mask on his face. Dark brown floppy hair falls into his deep brown eyes, just barely covering a small scar interrupting his left eyebrow.

He's not unattractive by any means and he's done nothing cruel so far, but still, the air of uncertainly hangs over his head, making me unclear whether or not to trust him.

No, he's done nothing untoward to me aside from flirt with what 'doesn't belong to him', but that doesn't mean he won't do anything in the future.

I can only hope Aiden is just strange and not psychotic.

"No, thanks for the lift and for looking out for us." I give him a small smile and collect my suitcases and other belongings, dragging them into the clubhouse behind me.

Callie joins me and grabs one of my bags to help and holds open the door, letting me through into the warm air of the Den.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" She says quickly, fidgeting and shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her eyes dart to the side over my right shoulder and I turn my head to see Gray sitting in a booth with a couple other prospects drinking a beer.

The guys he is with seem animated in conversation, while Gray sits silently, his beer held close to his face as he takes a sip every few seconds, his eyes cast downwards towards the dark table before him, not truly looking at anything.

I turn back to Callie, who I can tell is anxious to get to spend time with Gray, and smirk. "Go on, I'll see you later."

She smiles and embraces me, her hands squeezing into my shoulders as she squeals before letting me go and skipping to the table filled with the prospects.

I grab my stuff and struggle to get up the stairs, but finally make it and enter Blade's room. He's not here - I didn't think he would be, but it would have been a nice surprise.

I leave my bags in the room and head back downstairs, only to run into the second to last person I want to see.

"What are you still doing hanging around here?" Gilly demands, hands on her hips and staring down her straight nose at me.

Her breasts are barely contained by the latex tube top wrapped around her chest and I'm positive her tan line free ass cheeks are hanging out of the matching skirt. Fishnets and thigh-high leather boots adorn her legs and I swear she is the poster child for biker whore chic.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now