Chapter Forty

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*I hope you're enjoying the end of the book! I'm so excited to finish this but sad that I won't be exclusively writing about Blade and Letha any longer after this book is finished."


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"And what do you propose we do?" Ash barks, slamming his elbows onto the table and leaning forward, his brows furrowed together and his eyes pointed directly to me.

I clear my throat and repeat for the second time, seeing as he must not have heard me the first time, "We go in guns fucking blazing. It's the only way." I rest my left arm on the table in front of me and lean forward, throwing my other hand towards Ash in an exasperated manner.

"You can't expect the club to have to deal with this shit now. We've got too much on our plate. I thought we were straight, man. We already hashed this out earlier. So, no, we can't risk it. We got bigger fish to fry. We've got the Raiders to deal with. Your Old Lady is just gonna have to hold out for a little while longer. We can't have our men risking their lives over some girl we don't know being held by some psycho Russian trash."

I slam my fist down onto the table, rattling every beer bottle and glass of whiskey. "We've got to do something, Ash. The girl is going to fucking die if we don't do something."

"And why should we care? She's not an Old Lady. Hell, she isn't anything to us. Just the friend of your girl. That's all." Ash is being stubborn, but he can't be this fucking cruel as to let Letha's friend, Talia, suffer. He's a better man than that.

"It doesn't matter. Letha is an Old Lady. Letha is family and this girl is Letha's family. We take care of our own and this girl, whether you like it or not, is now our family too."

Ash's jaw ticks with anger. I've never been so blatantly rude to him before. Sure, we've argued over the years, but he's still my president. I shouldn't demand things of him or talk to him the way I am - the way I have been since meeting Letha. But I'll be damned if I'm not going to get through to him - and if arguing is the only way, then so be it.

"You got a lot of fucking nerve, Blade."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." My fingers drum along the table and I twitch before reaching for the pack of smokes in my front pocket. I pull one out and light up, blowing a puff of smoke into the circle of chairs containing brothers with dumbstruck expressions on their drunk or high faces.

"We just can't, man. Not right now. Why aren't you seeing this?"

My heart pounds within my chest. I'm going to have a heart attack from anger if I don't calm down.

"You said you'd protect everyone. That you wouldn't let anything happen to anyone, anymore. Or are you going back on your word now?"

"Goddamnit, Blade! Get it through your fucking thick skull. We. Are. Not. Capable. Of. Handling. This. Shit. Now."

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now