Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I need you." His raspy voice near my ear whispers as his rough hands travel down my shoulders.

"Have me."

He needs no further instructions before unbuttoning the front of my lacy blouse and pulling it down my arms to fall around my feet.

His lips meet my neck as his fingers torture the tender skin of my lower back, sending chills through my body.

My head tilts back and my mouth opens on a gasp when he sucks the soft flesh around my collarbone into his mouth.

I bring my hands up and cord my fingers through his thick hair, pulling on the golden strands. "Blade..."

He removes his lips from my neck and peers down into my eyes, those brilliant ocean colored eyes, deep with an unknown emotion.

All I can see is the need in them. And I'm sure he can see the same reflected in my own. I need this just as much as him. I need to feel something other than the nothing I've been feeling since everything went to shit.

"I can't lose you. Not you, too." His voice is barely above a whisper. I don't know what he's talking about and don't get a chance to question him before he grabs ahold of the straps of my bra and yanks them over my shoulders, baring my breasts to his greedy eyes.

His hands immediately find purchase on my swollen mounds, his thumbs darting out to flick against my hardening nipples.

My grip in his hair becomes tighter as pleasure propels straight down to my core. My thighs clench together to remove the sudden ache and I release a moan into the room filled with only the sounds of our feet shuffling and our heavy breathing.

Blade's mouth descends on my own, parting my lips with his tongue and delving inside, massaging my tongue in tandem with his torture on my nipples.

I can barely breathe. He has possessed me fully; he owns me. I am his. In this moment and every moment to come.

My hands surrender their vice grip on his honey locks to wrap around his neck, bringing him impossibly closer to my body.

His hands drop to my hips, digging his fingers in, my hard nipples now free to rub against the rough material of his thick sweater.

One of his hands slowly trail down over my ass to rest on my thigh before dragging it up to wrap around his hip.

He does the same with the other and before I know it, I'm lifted into the air and hovering above the bed in Blade's firm hold.

"Promise me," I gasp out when his mouth sucks the delicate skin of my neck back into his mouth.

He pauses, his eyes darting up to look at me. "Promise what, babe?" He places a sweet kiss on my collarbone, his fingers tickling me as they skim up my torso and around the sides of my breasts, heaving with the need to be sated.

Blade (Savage Wolves MC) #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now