Chapter 1

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Ryden POV

My name is Forsythe Pendleton Jones The Fourth but people call me Ryden as not many people know my real name. In 15 and I'm 16 this week which means I have to decide wether to stay a serpent or not on my birthday. I don't know what to do my dad said he would support what ever I choose to do we haven't really talked for about a month I don't know why every time I try he answers with one word answers or just pretends he doesn't hear me and walks away. To be honest I feel like a part of him always wanted me to stay in the serpents and to take over from him one day. But I have about 4 days to decide.

Today is Tuesday and I was walking home with my headphones in listening to music. I walk into the house and walk to the kitchen and get a bottle and walk upstairs I walk past Juliet's room and knock on the door she shouts for me to come in and I walk in and see her laying on her bed reading a book.

"Hey J. What you reading?" I say sitting on the end of her bed she puts her book down and sits up and looks at me.

"Just to kill a mockingbird. I need to read it for English. What's up?"

"Nothing....ok I don't know what to do."

"Is this about the serpents?"

"Yes. I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to do what dad did and stay and a part of me wants to fuck it all and do something else."

"Well you know dad doesn't care. Well at least that's what he says. Look dad loves you and I think if you decide to quote 'fuck it all' he'd understand but if you did 'fuck it all' then what would you do?"

"I don't know maybe....."

"Exactly you have know clue. I know I'm going to stay. I'm pretty sure Blue might but I don't know. I'm not saying you should stay but if you did at least your life would have some sort of guidance in life.Right?"

"Your right thanks. How are you this smart at 14?" I say making us both chuckle

"I took lessons from Auntie JB." She says with a laugh

"Thanks. Really J This helped." I day standing up and walking out shutting her door behind me I walk across the hall to Blues room and see him sitting on his desk chair spinning while throwing a football in the air I decided to just leave him to it and walk in to my room. I throw my bag onto the floor and kick my shoes off. I take a swig of my water and put it on my desk I sit on my desk chair and look out the window. I sigh and pull of my beanie and throw it on my desk then run my hands threw my jet black wavy hair. Most people say I look like my did when he was younger. I stand up the pick up my guitar and pick and sit back down in my chair. My Uncle Archie started to teaching me how to play the guitar and sing when I was 10 we stopped when I was about 12 because I was pretty good and I've been playing and singing ever since. I start to strum Naked by James Arthur after about 10 second I start to sing

Hey, you there
Can we take it to the next level, baby, do you dare?
Don't be scared
'Cause if you can say the words, I don't know why I should care
'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can
But all you ever do is mess it up
Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear
That getting half of you just ain't enough
I'm not going to wait until you're done
Pretending you don't need anyone
I'm standing here naked
I'm standing here naked
I'm not gonna try 'til you decide
You're ready to swallow all your pride
I'm standing here naked
I'm standing here naked
Hey, get out
I've got nothin' left to give for you give me nothin' now
Read my mouth
If you ever want me back, then your walls need breakin' down
'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can
But all you ever do is mess it up
Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear
getting half of you just ain't enough

I stop when I hear the floor boards behind me creak. Turn around and see my Mom standing there with my Dad behind her and his arms wrapped around her waist and his head on her shoulder. They where both smiling. I don't really play in front of people when I was younger I would play for my Mom but now I only really play for my best friends Alex and his Girlfriend Sam who is also my best friend we have a little band going and Alex has a little recording studio in his garage and Juliet. I smile at them and put my guitar down.

"That was amazing Ryden." My Mom says with a smile she kisses my dad on the cheek and walks away. My dad stays and leans against the door.

"Your good." My dad says with a smile

"Thanks." I say I'm a whisper

"Have you thought about what your going to do? About the serpents?"

"I don't know. A little I think it's stupid."

"How so?"

"I'm 15 how am I supposed to know what to do with my life? So if I'm being honest I haven't thought about it because every time I do I nearly have a panic attack like what if I make the wrong decision and hate myself for it? what if I do stay and I do because leader? Can I live with the constant stress? But then there's the good. There my family. They not bad people. I'm not hated by everyone."

"Ryden this is just part of being a man."

"What so because I'm don't want to make a big life decision about being in a stupid gang yet I'm not a man?"

"It's not stupid. What do you think your a man and not taking responsibility for what's yours? The gang is yours by right and sometimes you have to man up and take the leap and say yes to staying."

"Well what if I stay? How am I supposed to be a good leader when my own dad won't listen to me!"

"Hey I listen to you!" He said pushing away from the door so we where stood facing each other

"When? In the last month every time I try and talk to you you walk away or shut the conversation down! But it's not like your even busy you then go talk to Blue or Juliet and I'm left alone!!"

"Is that really how you feel? Like I don't listen to you?"


"Look Ryden I didn't want to talk to you because I feel like if I talk to you I will force you to do something you don't want to!"

"You could have said 'look I'm not going to talk to you about the gang for the next month if you have any questions ask another one of the members' but no you just left me all alone making a huge life decision! And you just said it your self it's mine by right so isn't that kind of pushing it onto me?!!!"

"Hey!! Don't you raise your voice at me boy or you can get out!!"

"Fine. If you really don't want me here I'm going to Alex's and you know what I'm not a man. Because I'm 15 I'm still a kid and I really needed my dad and he wasn't there." I say picking up my hat and guitar and pulling shoes on and leaving my room with my dad stood there I walk down the stairs and see my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey Rye where you going?" She asks I don't think she could hear mine and dads fight

"Alex's." I say looking at the stairs and seeing my dad walking down the stairs with a sad and sorry face.

"Rye I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Look I'm sorry."He says in a soft voice I just turn and walk out and I decided not to go to Alex's and just go to my friend Crashes house instead.

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