Chapter 43

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Ryden POV

"I know. What you got there?" I said pointing to the thing he had wrapped in a pink blanket and he smiled at me.

"This is my niece. Do you want to meet your daughter Ryden?" He said smiling at me

"I had a.....Me and Amber she was a.....Ye I want to meet her." I said holding back my tears he handed me her and she was wrapped in the blanket it as covering her face a little I moved the blanket away from her face so I could see her fully she woke up and smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

"How's she hows she a baby she was about 2 months when it happened." I said admiring her

"It's how it works in here because I'm here she ages like normal but she came here like she would when she would be first born."

"She looks like Amber."

"And you. She's amazing."

"I don't want to go back." I said looking up at him with tears in my eyes "I want to stay here I want to be a good dad I want to look after her and be there." I said looking back down at her and smiling

"Ryden I know you do but you can't ok. You have to go back and you have to be there for Amber she wasn't at the game was she?" I looked up at him and shuck my head no "that's because she's at home she is right now crying because of her dad she needs you Ryden she lost the baby and she can't lose you to. So go back to her." I looked at the baby girl in my arms and pull her into a hug and whispered in her ear "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't look after you properly. I'm sorry I couldn't be the dad you need me to be I'm sorry I don't want to leave you not again. I wish I could stay here with you forever but that's not how things work. I love you and I'll tell your mom all about you. I'll come back for you one day I promise." I kissed her forehead and then held her back in my arms then I placed my finger in her little hand and she gave my hand a squeeze. I kissed her head on last time before handing her back to Jamie "Take good care of my daughter Jamie. Until it's time for me to come back to her." Jamie took her and smiled at her "I will Rye always." I nod them I felt a shocking in my chest and then another then I closed my eyes and then boom. I was back in the hospital surrounded by doctors and machines. They put the oxygen mask back on me before pushing me into another room and a nurse put me in a gown and hooked me up to a few monitors and a drip. "The doctors going to come in and take you down to your CT scan. Do you want me to send your family in or?"

"Ye but only my dad for now." She nods and walked out a few minutes later my dad walked in and sat in the chair next to me

"You ok?"

"Ye but......I met her dad." I said starting to let tears slide down my face

"Who? Who'd you meet Ryden?" He said looking at me curiously

"My daughter. She's beautiful she looks like Amber. And she's so small and happy all the time and she.....she deserves so much better. I wanted to stay with her I wanted to I wanted to so bad dad but Jamie he... he wouldn't let me he wouldn't let me stay with my daughter. MY daughter and I just had to leave her it hurt dad it's the worse pain I've ever felt." I said starting to cry and he pulled me into a hug but was careful not to hurt me.

"It's ok Ryden it's ok." He said calming me down. Then the doctor came in to take me down to my CT scan my dad left and said he'd talk to my mom and they wheeled me down to the scan they lay me in the machine and told me to stay still I went threw the machine then they put me back on my bed and wheeled me back to my room where I fell asleep I still had a oxygen mask on because it was hard to breath.

A few minutes later my mom, dad and the twins came in and they all looked like they'd all been crying they where followed by a doctor. They all looked at me and they all sat down and the doctor stood in front of me before speaking "Ryden I'm doctor Bailey. I'm so sorry but you have severe internal bleeding and the weight is starting to damage your organs and it's a surprise you lasted as long as you have without noticing. You need to go into emergency surgery before it kills you but the operation is extremely risky so I'm going to give you a minute before your surgery." She said then she walked out and my mom came over to me and placed her hand on mine why my dad placed his hand on her back Juliet held my other hand and Blue put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going to be ok guys. And if I'm not. I love you all and I'll be with Jamie and my daughter and I'll watch over you all. Mom please keep your promise." I said looking at her

"I will Ryden." She said

I pulled them into a group hug until they took me down to surgery.

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