Chapter 19

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Ryden POV

I woke up and got changed and made sure my beanie was on my head properly. I was thinking about it last night and I decided I was going to get my dad to visit and talk to him or at least calm him. I walked out of my room (Callum was already gone) and went straight to the phone and dialled my dads number. After a few rings he picked up.


"Hey dad. It's me."

"Ryden! Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say sorry for overreacting yesterday I was just mad."

"No Ryden you where right. I should never have go to see Josh let alone go into a fight with him."

"It's ok. I just wanted to make sure we where ok. Are we?"

"Ye Ryden. We're ok."

"Ok. Oh uh dad?"


"You know when I get picked up from here?"

"Ye in 4 days right?"

"Right. But I was wondering if it could just be you and mom."

"Sure. If that's what you want. Actually the serpents where planning to have a party sort of a thing when your back. Do you still want to do that or no?"

"No I'll go. But would it be ok if I invite 3 other people?"

"Sure That should be fine."

"Ok I'll talk to you tomorrow or something dad tell mom and the twins I said hi. I'm going to go get some food. Bye"

"Bye Ryden." He says and I hanging up and walking to the dinning hall I get some food and go and sit next to Amber with Jeff and Callum opposite us. As I sit down I smile at Amber and hold her hand under the table and intertwined our fingers. She smiled at me and gave my hand a squeeze which I returned then we turns to the other and we all started talking. Then I say "Hey I actually wanted to ask you guys something."

"What is it?" Jeff says

"Well we all get out in 4 days and uh there having a party thing at the Whyte Wyrm for me and I was wondering if you guys uh wanted to come?" I say looking at my food on my tray

"YES!" Jeff says

"That sounds cool. I'll be there." Callum says

"Ye I'll go." Amber says squeezing my hand under the table and smiling at me. Then I get a pice of paper rip it up into 3 and right my number on each one and hand it to them and tell them to text me when they get back so I know it's them then I'll text them the time to be at the Whyte Wyrm.

Time skip~Leaving Day

Only a few thing have happened in the past 4 days. Me, Callum, Jeff and Amber have become really close friends. Me and Amber have become official boyfriend and Girlfriend but because of the rules of patience cant date we haven't told anyone we've kissed a few times when no one was around and we hold hands under the table all the time but that's about it.

Anyway today is the day we're all leaving. I was sat in the reception with Callum,Jeff and Amber we where sat down talking waiting for our parents to pick us up. Why we where talking the automatic doors opened and my Mom and Dad walked in followed by another woman I think it was Ambers mom because her face light up as she saw her. They all go over to the desk and signed me and Amber out and I walk over and give my mom and dad a hug why Amber hugged her mom. We both said bye to Callum and Jeff and walked outside the doors my dad took my bag to the car with my mom and Ambers mom took her bag to her car and left me and Amber stood there not far from the cars. We stood there for a second until I turned to her so we where facing and pulled her into a long passionate kiss. When I pull away we where both smiling.

"Call me later. And I'll see you at the Whyte Wyrm right?"

"Ye. I'll be there."

I kiss her once again then my dad honks the car horn making me pull away we both laugh slightly

"Bye Am." I say smiling at her

"Bye Rye." She says smiling at me

I walk over to the car and get in the back and we start to drive then my dad says "so you and Amber?"

"Ye." I day not being able to stop smiling

"She seams nice Ryden. When do we get to meet her officially?" My moms asks

"She's coming to the Whyte Wyrm later so...."

We talk a bit in the ride home but I mainly just look out the window. Until we arrive at home.

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